Your Candle

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Your Candle
The table is full of candles with names on them. For we do not know what the names say for within our life time we will light the candles around the big white tall candle within the middle of the table. Unless we can find the right way to light the big candle all we will light is the small ones around the big candle.
OH there is one lit and let us go and see what is on that candle? It says drugs and a little while later the candle went out. OH there is a another one that just lit and this one says drunk. A little while later that candle has gone out. But all this time the big candle in the middle of the table has not even had a little spark all this time. Over time the candles light one by one and then go out.
How can we light the big candle in the middle of the table does anyone know?
(Look out and see if anyone knows how to light the big candle in the middle of the table.) If they do or not say this:
Now for the big Candle in the middle of the table. Once this candle is lit then and only then we will have eternal life. 
For the big Candle in the middle of the table is the most important one that will determine if we will live on when we die when we get to heaven. Remember when Jesus said there shall be two time you will die, one here on earth and the final one when we get to heaven if we do not except that God is real and follow him we shall cease to exist.
There is no what we call HELL anywhere. It is an earthy term for a never ending burning dump. It was so hot and the interpretation becomes the word HELL. There is so much Jewish tradition within the bible that for some of us we do not know what Jewish tradition is so we over look what is said and it means something different to us than what was really said. For in Jesus’s time the only way he could teach them is through there Jewish background and their tradition.
Now for the hard part for you to come to understand what Jesus was really trying to teach them?
For he tried to teach them about the trinity, sin, disobedience, everyone is equal and that means for woman and men are equal within all the earth. That woman is the most important person within any marriage. For if she does not do her job and do it will the family will fall apart and the children will not get what they need as they get older. The woman has to be the guide within the family to make sure the children and the husband do what needs to be done. The woman can make a family or complete destroy the family and even divorce if she does not take care of the family the way it needs to be taken care of.
How can you teach if you have not learned what to teach?
Like the old pastor said for we know so little about what is really out there and we ask a question but most of the time we cannot answer your question without giving you all the back ground that will lead up to the right answer for the question that you have asked.
Ok Now what will it take to light the big white candle on the big table and keep it lit? The word is Salvation….. Salvation means to be saved from something. For God does not see us a sinners but as disobedient children and from cause of our disobedience is called sin. No matter what we did if we were not disobedient to GOD we would not sin. So salvation means that we are saved through our repentance from our disobedience to GOD and in return we are forgiven and then the big candle in the middle of the room with light and never go out. We have received immortality. 
Now for something interesting that I want you to think about. We have to come to the understanding that we have to separate our earthly existence with our spiritual existence. 
For what is earthly is from this earth. Here is an example. We can talk about what Jesus did here on earth and where he went, what he did, and even who he healed. That is and was his earthly existence. What he taught about his heavenly father and what he taught was spiritual. What he did here on earth is different than what he taught.
So we have to separate what he did with what he taught.
Now we have to learn that what we do here on earth with our bodies has nothing to do with our spiritual growth. Our bodies require many things to keep us alive and feed, warm, clean cloths, and if we have children to raise them the best way we know how. For how can we teach our children things we never learned ourselves. So now is the time to us to learn a new way of life within a new understanding of the change we have to make so our children with grow up and change the way we live and even the way we do things. For the only way we can change the way the world is, is through our children.
The way to get to heaven is to say this prayer out loud with me and once you have your candle will be lit for eternity.
So say this out loud with me right now:

God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that God is real, and I make Jesus lord of my life right now, and I repent of all disobedience and turn from it. God I have been disobedient against your teachings that you taught so many years ago. I open the door of my heart and let you in. Jesus you are lord of my life and I will only serve you. I have been disobedient and perverted that which you taught and it profited me not. Lord I give myself completely to you. I need your power to live for you. Fill me with over flowing with your Holy Spirit. I receive your fullness right now. I will be and I will do what you want me to do from here on. My will is now is that your will be done. In the name of the creator father, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.