Things to Remember

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Things to Remember

I know that God is real because God lives within me.

Remember we must separate earthly things from spiritual things

No matter what you ask from GOD. GOD will never take our freewill to choose away from us.

Some things you ask for will take away our free will to choose, GOD will never take away our free will to choose.

It all comes down to throughout our lives we make choices every day and within those choices determines our future of where we live, where we work, what we drive, how many children we have, our spouse, and all of the other aspects of our lives.

GOD gave us choice within our freewill to choose our Destiney

Within creation GOD put DNA within the animals and through evolution created human man and woman

God sees us as disobedient children. To Sin is a Choice.

Do we teach what Jesus did or what Jesus taught?

When Our Safe Zone is broken then we can learn new things

The realities of our truth within each of us is who we are and who we become.

Within our Earthly Life what we believe is our truth

Within our Spiritual Life what we believe is what we worship

When you Change your mind, you change your life and future.





Whenever you use the term GOD, it means you are talking to a personality.

So this means that for God to take care of us we have to live within him this is why we cannot find him for we live within him. And now once saved God will live within us.     


We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience

You can be evil and not sin and you can sin and not be evil, then you can be evil, and sin and greed is the beginnings of evil and sin the cause of being evil.

How can you judge a person's life you have never lived?

Sin the action of our disobedience

God does not see us as sinners. He sees us as disobedient children.

Because of time itself there is a beginning and an end

There is a difference between having a family or having just breeding stock.

Salvation of GOD through Jesus because of what he taught not what he did.

Children: When A woman is with child, and she decides she just does not want the child she seeks out a Doc to abort the child. but have you realized that the child she is caring could be the next president, a great musician, or even the one that could stop wars and even rumor of wars? Have you thought of the potential of that child that she is caring? Have the child and let someone else raise the child for someday that child might be great. What the bible says about the beginning of life before the child is born. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

Now for the last thing: Always do what you want to do as you go throughout your life for when you get old you can look back and say I would have done it all over again. If you cannot say that then it is time to do the things you really want to do so when the time comes you can then say I would have done it all over again.      

In the beginning of time, there was God and always was and there was nothing within God, he manifested all the planets and everything that it needed to become a father and even have children.  And here within his mind created everything.

God made it to be seen, and we can touch it.

Within God's mind he made it Then he made it real so we can touch it


God is always the same. We are the ones that have to change.

hard times are inevitable, but suffering is optional


We teach spiritual things not earthy things

When you ask an earthly question and expect to get a spiritual answer.

When you ask a spiritual question and expect to get an earthly answer.

Expect to get a spiritual answer when you ask a spiritual question.

Expect to get an earthly answer when you ask an earthly question.

We teach spiritual things not earthy things

Remember we must separate earthly things from spiritual things

Because we live within God himself. God can take care of us.

God is all around us.

Because we live within God himself God can take care of us.

Therefore God is all around us and once saved God can live within us.