Our Culture Within US Can we Change?

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 Our earthly experience and what our parents did not teach us.

Book 7.

By John Ruland III

© Dec, 15 2018


 Our earthly experience Book 7


Our culture within us:

Where we grow up determines our way of life, our culture, our looks, our mind set, our religion if there is one. Our way of life in reality we get 80% of all our learning from our parents. If we do not like some people just because of their looks and even there way of life was learned by our parents.

This means that no matter what we learn in school we have our culture built in at home. So what comes out within the school is our view point that we have learned from our parents. This even means what religion to follow if there is even one that was taught. So when you get into religion within the schools it is very hard to teach each religion and what they believe in within any class.

For some will not want to learn about a new religion for they are set in there ways and will only study their religion only. Within all the churches we seem to be like the children in school we tend to not listen to something new for most of us are comfortable within our religion. To learn new things and different ways of doing things we just do not want to hear it.

It is like when Jesus went to all the villages within he could walk to he taught and they could not understand what he was talking about or drove him out of the village for he was teaching one unseen GOD and they were making idols to sell. If he converted them to his religion they would be put out of business. They thought anyway.

Even in Jesus’s time he had a hard time with the Jews for they were set in there ways. Within the church sacrifice was the big thing. For the sale of the animals for sacrifice the money went to the church. So they did not anyone or anything stand in the way of how they made money. Even after Jesus died on the cross they did not believe that Jesus was the messiah that would save the world from sin.

So to this day the Jews do not teach the New Testament within any church. They only teach the Old Testament for they still believe that Jesus was not the messiah. So within all the religions who is right? Do we know what they teach is the truth? How do we know what the truth is? Who is GOD and where does he live? Why are we here? What is sin? Where did earth come from? There are so many questions that no religion here on earth can answer because:

Satan did not want us to know the real truth so he lied to us for so many years that what we was taught was the truth to us but in reality it was not. Something that Satan thought up and told everyone that was the truth. So we believed what we was told.

Now what was really interesting was the creation of the bible within the kingdom of King James. He got together all the church leaders from as many churches he could and had them all come to the castle and create a bible so they would all have something to teach within all the churches within the kingdom and beyond.

Then they tried to figure out what to put for the first story and then the second and so on. So that means that some of the books within the bible are just stores and never did happen but it fills in gaps of years past. So do we really know how many stories really did happen back then? Or were they just a story put in there to fill the timeline gap.

When the King James did this he gave all the churches something to teach and teach the same thing within all the churches of the kingdom. So now they had something they could print and give out to everyone and then they could follow along now when it came to reading out of the bible. Whether or not all the stories were true or not they had something to teach.

Now you really have to realize that all the disciples were Jews and were brought up within the Jewish Church. This is why Jesus had so much of a hard time to get them to learn what he was teaching. Once saved the Kingdom of God lives within us. He kept telling them that but they just could not understand that a kingdom can live within us.

We have to learn to separate earthly things from spiritual things. Jesus kept trying to tell them that but it just went over their heads. The salvation part they seem to get when they preached salvation many got saved. But beyond that they were in trouble for most of them could not remember what Jesus taught them for some did not even pay attention to what he was saying.

There was one point that Jesus keep telling them was not to wright anything down but over time they had to so they would remember what Jesus taught the disciples. So they started weighting down what the disciples preached and used the sermon to go out and teach what he taught.

But Jesus keep telling them not to wright anything down for he was afraid that they would worship the bible they created instead of GOD. Many back then tended to worship things they could see like an Idol of something. So back then the disciples had a very hard time to teach let alone stay long enough within some villages to even preach much before they got drove out.

Now let’s get back to the culture within us.

For what we was told, taught in school about history, about religion if any, is all we know because we was taught as we grow up. So to change that would be almost impossible to do within their life time. Now if everyone had an open mind and want to learn new things you can teach them the real truth about everything that is on this earth and beyond even the galaxies.

I guess the best place to start is with Satan for everyone knows who Satan is from the bible but who knows who Lucifer is? OK now Satan is Lucifer’s general. For Lucifer had many generals within his domain. So we have been lied to from the beginning of the earth. So all life here on earth does not know the truth of everything for Satan did not want us to know who God is and even where he is. Let alone about all the other things that was lies or half-truths. Now if you want to learn about everything that you was never told about GOD and the earth and even the timeline of when the earth come into existence. The where we really come from and who really is our earthly mother and father.

The timeline of Joseph and Mary and even when Jesus was born and died on the cross.

Even why he Died on the cross.

There are so many things that you can learn if you want to. Can you get and or think beyond our earthly culture?

If you can go to www.urantiabook.org

Read the forward and then go to Paper 119 and read from there on. Check out the website too.

Happy Reading