Earthly Life Separate

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Try to keep our earthly life separate from our spiritual life

That is all well and good but I am not talking about earthly laws for if we do anything wrong here on earth we will pay for with our bodies, or with our money and bodies. I am talking about spiritual judgment not earthly judgment.

You would not hire anyone that has an earthly record like you would not hire someone that was not saved for a church job within any church. Our earthly body is just that it is our earthly body. For we have to eat, sleep, work, and have children to complete our lives so when our earthly body dies our children will live on to keep the human tribes alive.

We are spiritual beings experiencing an earthly existence. When we are born we are born with built in knowledge of how to protect ourselves from adversity within our environment. We have then to come to know about many things from others here on earth from our parents, relatives, friends and even school. Even when God has sent prophets here on earth and started teaching the real ways of God and even who he is Satan and all the followers want him dead but not for what you think. Satan wants all the prophets dead because they teach an unseen God and how can you make money and make idols and sell them if it is an unseen God.

Now judgement is when you do not like what others are doing and you think it is wrong for them to do that. So we tend to tell them about with how we treat them. We then judge them from out earthly outlook and not our spiritual outlook on how we should preserve them. All we know about then is what they look like, how they act and even how they live out their lives. If we do not think the way they live is right to us we tend to tell them or avoid them and if we run a business we will choose not to even serve them.

Jesus even taught to love your neighbor as they self. That means to love everyone and to teach them the ways of God for everything here on earth will fade away but things of heaven will go on for evermore. So we have to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world unto spiritual things not earthly things. You have to keep earthly things and spiritual things separated. MJR