There are only two genders

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There are only two genders.

But there are many sub genders.

When we talk about gender the first thing that comes to mind is when the first humans were born. Adam and Eve had children. But Adam and Steve could not.

So, we must have male and female to produce children that will keep the human tribes alive to continue our long Gevity.

Plus, what I find interesting is that fact if two men or two women get married, and they want children they have to jump the fence to have children. that means just as soon as the two women get pregnant that is grounds for divorce because they cheated with another person.

Now what basic religion condones anything that has to do with anyone that does not conform to their ways. Then even sometimes dissociate them from the congregation.

My viewpoint is: First thing is that we must separate earthly things with spiritual things and once we can do that than what happens here on earth does not matter much in the spiritual world.

We teach spiritual things and get everyone to understand that what is done here on earth stays here on earth.

Like there is no hell in heaven only heaven. So, when we die here on earth, we will wake up in heaven to give you another chance to get saved unless you are already saved then you will be given more training to teach others about heaven and everything that there is in heaven.

So, when it comes to life here on earth it has nothing to do with your spiritual life. some of us tend to ask an earthly question and expect a spiritual answer.

Everyone is a spiritual being having an earthly experience.

Ok now when you have me answer an earthly question you will get an earthly answer. Then if you ask the questions, what do I think of two men and two women getting married I Say: it is up to them on how they want to spend their life together. I do not teach earthly things and tell them they are wrong to love each other. I say to them that I am glad they have found the love of their life and want to spend the rest of their days with each other.

For I teach salvation for once saved they will wake up in heaven and learn the ways of GOD in all his wisdom.

Unless you are already saved then you will become a teacher over time.

So that means that I do not teach right or wrong about earthly things that everyone does. I only teach spiritual things that everyone should know.

Like Jesus taught that everyone should love one another no matter how they live out their lives. Like tribes of colors why did GOD create all the tribes with assorted color skin and different tribal attributes? Like why did GOD create man and woman when he could have created within one being male and female together? For over time, the tribe would cease to exist for the DNA would deteriorate beyond repair. Now with Male and Female we can now interact each tribe to strengthen the DNA between all the tribes.

It is like with assorted skin color and all the different tribal attributes we can look at each other and pretty much tell where they're from and about their way of life just by looking at them.

So, the next time you see someone that has assorted skin color and all the different tribal attributes they have you can guess where they are from and even how they live. Now they can tell by looking at you where you come from and all your assorted skin color and all the different tribal attributes that you have to.