What we need to know

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What we need to know

There are many things we were never taught at home and if we went to church or even from our parents or even our grandparents.

For someone can not teach what they never learned themselves. This is why we do what we do to teach those that do not know or understand the many things that no has taught for it was unknown to us. So how can we teach that is unknown to us.

Like for when someone says I believe that we were created and then someone else say it was through evolution that we happened. Then we find out that it was in creation through evolution that everything come about.

Explain a little bit better. GOD created DNA and put it in the animals and over time as he did this we come from the animals. Why there was no trace of our ancestors was when the DNA was implanted only the new beings come forth. So when they passed there was no way to tell if they even existed. The new DNA was implanted in the new beings and throw evolution we come into existence.

The next thing is GOD will never do anything to take away our free will to choose. So when you ask for something would it be against your free will if you got it. For GOD can change things but because of free will most of the time he will not make the change. If he did it then it would take away your free will to choose.

Throughout our lives we make choices everyday and over time if we make the same choose our timeline will be there same until, we make a different choice. Choices sometimes will lead us down a path that if we did that everyday would in time end up someplace, we just did not want to be.

Like when someone is late for work and they try to hurry and go though a red light as they have many times before. But today when they went though the red light someone was in the middle of the road and you hit them go way to fast. Everyone that was in those two cars could have died or because of the car they drive could have save them.


Now the choice of your car, you were in a hurry, you made the choice to go through the red light and now you are in the hospital and never did make it to work at all. Everything that happened was your choice to do that day. You can not blame any one but yourself for what happened that day.

We make a choice everyday of our lives. If it is small or big or something we do everyday like get up and have breakfast, get ready for work, do our work and then come home and do things around the house and then watch TV and then eat dinner and the watch TV and then go to bed. Now we could have cleaned the house more, washed some cloths, done the dishes, and other things except watch TV all night. TV is for some one that has nothing else to do.

So make choices that you want to do and do not let anyone else try to tell you want you want and it might be there dream for what they wanted out of life but not yours. I want you to look back and say I would have done everything over again. Not say if I had everything to do over again, I would have done things different.

So start now and do what you want to do because some day you will not be able to make that change. When you love someone love them with unconditional love like when you love your children you do not love them when you want to but with unconditional love.

The woman is the most important person within the house. For she is the one that takes care of everyone. She takes care of you and the children if there is any. Once she gives up on you and the children, she will start not to do the things that needs to be done every day. If she gets over tired, she can stop doing things. So make sure you spouse gets plenty of rest and enough to eat. For some say if mama is not happy no one is happy.

There are somethings that no one knows about that everyone should know. Like when something happens that does not happen all the time we have to plan for those things. Like when one of your parents passes away what do you do with the other parent that now is all alone and more than likely does not have enough of an income to provide the many things they need because the other one is gone.


Do you take them in or put them in a home where they can take care of them? I say go and get them and then take care of there home and sell it and put the money in an account to use for their care. You will find out all about the things that needs to be done when and if it happens.

The main thing is to talk to each other about everything you can what needs to be done even before you get married. Like what religion if there is one do you want to bring your children up in. how many children do, we want. what will happen to each one of your parents when the time comes. How to bring up the children. There is a list on the internet to look though. Go to any search engine and type in (things we need to know before we get married.)

There is so much to learn about each other that it will take some time to learn. We tend to go with the flow until something happens and you did not even talk about it and one says we are going to do it this way and then other says no I want to do this way. Then there is a fight on who will be right. Sit down and talk about and come up with the way that will please both of you.

You can do this with everything that happens. Always talk about it and come to a conclusion on what to do. Do not yell and say it is going to be this way for if you do this to many times then things will happen and there will be a divorce just because one of you will not give any and it is all their way.

Love and care for each other and help around the house, help take care of the kids together. For both of you made that choice to get marred and start a family. Then love each other unconditionally and then talk about everything that happens. Enjoy each other and do things with each other. Those that play together stay together.

Written by Minister John Ruland III

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