Book 6

Church Home one world Gender Identity The Holy Condition A new way of thinking about life God mean to me Hell in the Urantia book Things to Remember Mark of the beast Newsletter Subscription There are only two genders About Favorite Links Your Candle Tribal Attributes Three Stages of Marriage Earthly Life Separate Family Life Some new thoughts New Ways Your Life Atheist Earthly Experience Book 1-What to Teach Book 2-Change Your Mind Book 3-Basic Info Book 4-Our Safe Zone Book 5-Children Book 6-Information Book 7 Culture Things we should understand Kids turn 16 LIFE ONE Religion The MARK Questions to ask What we need to know Things to Remember Unconditional Love THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH Sermon The Free Gift I do not want to share 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening Before Death BASIC CONCEPTS OF UB

 Our earthly experience and what our parents did not teach us.

Book 6.

By John Ruland III

© Dec, 2 2018


Our earthly experience Book 6

Information that would not fit anywhere else


Our job when we get out on our own. Your boss hires you to do a job and that is what you have to do and do the job the best way you can for that is what they pay you for. For some day your job might be done by a robot and then you will not even have a job.

Making a cake: Our job is to get them saved not to judge them for how they live, even what they do for work, where they live. Our job is not to judge them for what they do with there earthly body. Our job is spiritual and to get them saved and let God do his job to change them from within.

We have to learn: to separate earthly things from spiritual things.

Before the time of Jesus the fragment of God we call the Holy Spirit would talk to us in that still small voice we call our inner voice.

After Jesus we now have what God calls the spirit of truth we still call the Holy Spirit. The difference is now God can live within us once we have asked God to come into our soul and dwell there.

So this means that for God to take care of us we have to live within him this is why we cannot find him for we live within him. And now once saved God will live within us.

  1. Learning that giving tithes or not giving tithes will not cause you to enter or not enter the Fathers Kingdom.
  2. They know I live in a circus and they do not need to meet the clowns.
  3. Even though that Jesus was human his soul was divine but his body was not holy or divine

4: Salvation that the churches now teach and preach have always has been Jesus just gave the information that was already there to those of earth. All Jesus did was to bring everything that has been known to everyone here on earth. It would be like telling someone about a little dinner down the street and they had good food. But all this time they never went down that street and did not know it was there. All you did was tell them something that has all ways been there but unseen.

So everything that Jesus taught was not told and unseen by everyone here on earth for because of the Lucifer Rebellion it was not revealed to anyone for Lucifer did not want anyone to know that it has always been there but never reveled unto anyone.

  1. God the Father, the children of God, The Holy Spirit
  2. Jesus body was not divine and his body was not Holy.
  3. When Jesus got baptized his Spirit became Divine.

8.1. Self-judgment -- moral choice.   

8.2. Social-judgment -- ethical choice.

8.3. God-judgment -- religious choice

  1. We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.
  2. The possibility of the existence of God within us is so great that once saved it is a life changing event.
  3. For we live within God himself and this way he can provide what we need and then we come to realize that because we live within God himself once we get saved God will live within us.
  4. Sometimes our bodies run our live instead of our mind running our bodies.
  5. We have to learn to separate spiritual things from earthly things.
  6. You might put the body in jail but you can never confine your mind to wonder.
  7. You cannot make a judgment if you only have one side within you. To make a fair judgment you have to know about both sides of the earthly realm and the spiritual realm to make the right judgment within this worldly relationship with the spiritual beings that are having an earthly experience here on earth.
  8. You can be evil and not sin and you can sin and not be evil, then you can be evil and sin and greed is the beginnings of evil and sin the cause of being evil.
  9. 132:2.10 The possibility of evil is necessary to moral choosing, but not the actuality thereof. A shadow is only relatively real. Actual evil is not necessary as a personal experience. Potential evil acts equally well as a decision stimulus in the realms of moral progress on the lower levels of spiritual development. Evil becomes a reality of personal experience only when a moral mind makes evil its choice.
  10. 133:6.3 Of all the large cities they visited on this tour of the Mediterranean, they here accomplished the least of value to the subsequent work of the Christian missionaries. Christianity secured its start in Ephesus largely through the efforts of Paul, who resided here more than two years, making tents for a living and conducting lectures on religion and philosophy each night in the main audience chamber of the school of Tyrannus.
  11. 137:8.17 "John came preaching repentance to prepare you for the kingdom; now have I come proclaiming faith, the gift of God, as the price of entrance into the kingdom of heaven. If you would but believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, then you are in the kingdom of God."
  12. How can You judge a life you have never lived
  13. Sin the action of our disobedience
  14. Because of time itself there is a beginning and an end
  15. There is difference between having a family or having just breading stock.
  16. Saved by Jesus who we know because of what he taught.
  17. Because of time we have a beginning and an end.
  18. The price we pay to be civilized is the requirement is to have inside running water, hot and cold water, bathroom, bedrooms, and full kitchen. with out this the city can condemn the building and even the property without this minimum requirements to be civilized.
  19. Remember one thing keep earthly things and spiritual things separated for some books tell about both at the same time so you are the only one that will have to keep them separated.
  20. For we live within God himself this is why he can watch over us and once saved God will live within us.
  21. Do not let your body rule your mind.
  22. Reality has killed my dreams
  23. HELL = Never ending burning dump just outside of Jerusalem
  24. What is within comes out of us with our emotions and the choices we make and even how we speak and even what we listen to on the TV radio and music.
  25. Man cannot reveal to man unless revealed to man first by God. From God unto us first then to man.
  26. I think that there should be a new day between Saturday and Sunday.
  27. you can stand in a garage does not make you a car.
  28. You can go to church every Sunday but it does not make you a Christian.
  29. You can even sing a gospel song and still not be forgiven.
  30. Anyone can write a book and call it a bible but if you separate worldly things with spiritual things would you still have a book to teach?
  31. What do you seek within this world or do you seek heavenly things?
  32. Time is only a human concept. Angels and all other spiritual beings are not confined to time as we know it.
  33. that humans are the only ones that have a planet like this and even the humans are not like any other species on any other planet. So if you really see another species of beings from other planets you would not be able to talk to them for even the language is different. Like earth with all the different languages just about all the other planets with life speak a different language.
  34. I did not want to really tell you this but each planet is an experiment to see what beings are the best to put on all the planets over time. This planet we call Urantia seems to be one we could consider to put on the rest of the planets with one exception. That all beings will be taught the ways of God and who he is. Then they will get a book like the Urantia book but with more detail.
  35. when we seek knowledge we can change our future with the things we learn in life.
  36. The worse thing about life is that people die searching for the very God who talks to them and or lives within them
  37. Time is only a human concept for in heaven there is no time as we know it. Now when the angels come to earth they are confined by time and what they can do here because of time.
  38. The only way society will change is through the children if they are taught from the Urantia book when they are small and taught in school with the Urantia book.
  39. When the disciples was arguing about something Jesus would not intervene but the next day he would teach about what they was agreeing about to everyone so they would know what he was trying to get a cross because there was so much concern about the subject.
  40. Our understanding is predicated and based on the information and revelations contained in the Urantia Book, and specifically dedicated towards not only the establishment of the Father's Kingdom on Urantia, but as well, the coming of a Divine Mission of Intervention through Michael,( our Creator Son), Mission, the Second Return of Jesus, perfectly coordinated with a Magisterial Mission headed by Serara and Monjoronson, and the Melchizedeks.
  41. 159:3.8 The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them. Men seek for the treasures of the kingdom with yearning hearts and weary feet when they are all within the immediate grasp of living faith. Faith is to religion what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of power, not an added burden of life. There is but one struggle for those who enter the kingdom, and that is to fight the good fight of faith. The believer has only one battle, and that is against doubt—unbelief.
  42. 195:10.4 ' "The kingdom of God is within you" was probably the greatest pronouncement Jesus ever made, next to the declaration that his Father is a living and loving spirit.'
  43. Garden covenant; that they had disobeyed the instructions of the Melchizedeks; that they had defaulted in the execution of their oaths of trust to the sovereign of the universe.

“Eve had consented to participate in the practice of good and evil. Good is the carrying out of the divine plans; sin is a deliberate transgression of the divine will; evil is the misadaptation of plans and the maladjustment of techniques resulting in universe disharmony and planetary confusion.” (842.4) 75:4.2

  1. Salvation was always here on earth and reviled by Jesus when he taught.
  2. When one cheats you sin against yourself from your own spiritual enlightenment. for when there is disobedience there is sin from within that comes outward and effects all your loved ones future.
  3. Origin HELL Old English hel, hell, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hel and German Hölle, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘to cover or hide’.
  4. At this time the minimal socially sustainable definition of a home is one that protects the inhabitants from the weather. It is able to keep them warm in cold weather and moderately cool in hot weather. It has running water and is connected to sewage drain lines, electricity and natural gas (if available). And it provides a reasonable square footage per person with “personal space” for them.

What the house looks like is irrelevant. Those facilities could be available in a yurt, hogan, wikiup or a dugout sod house as was used even during the Great Depression, or a contemporary stick construction home. Additional amenities beyond those minimums do not increase the quality of life of those who live there. What is important is that these minimums be available to each individual.

Basic Concepts of Social Sustainability, #73

  1. WHY are there male and female? If humans were combined male and female soon the human tribes would go extinct for there would be no way to cross over between the tribes for the DNA to intermingle with other tribes. so God created male and female so within the whole world each tribe could intermingle and start family's that will produce children with stronger DNA. So when you ask should we marry within our family then the real answer would be no because of within every family you have to go outside of your family so your children will have stronger DNA then if you had married within your family.
  2. as we have to understand now is that once evil took over the earth everything the way it was back then is totally different from what it is now. when evil took over everything changed and evil wanted to destroy what God has made and everything that is here on earth. It took a long time but evil did start to take over and everything that evil touched it seemed that over time to destroy. then evil started on the family environment and soon there was what we call divorce now but back then there was no such thing.
  3. EVIL = is when you are selfish and have no ethics, you become disobedient to God and the cause of disobedience is SIN and because of sin you become evil and within evil you become selfish.
  4. How is Jesus the son of GOD? Jesus is the son of man and the spiritual son of God. We are the same we are all the sons/daughters of man and the sons/daughters of God once saved.
  5. RELIGION: No matter what religion you are and even what church you go to remember one thing: We need to separate earthly things from spiritual things then we can tell if someone or even a church is teaching about earthly things or spiritual things. Because of this some do not know the difference. Like when they teach about what Jesus did and where he went instead of teaching what he taught. Jesus was the Son of man and spiritual son of God. we are all sons/daughters of man and once saved we are the sons/daughters of GOD. For we live within God himself and once saved God will live within us. Our job is get everyone saved and then let God do his job to change them from within. MJR
  6. What you need to do is spend more time together and start date night at least 3 times a week. Just get out of the house and go out to eat just the two of you and just sit and eat and talk. If you have children get a baby sitter even if it is your mom or even your step mom. This way if you have date night you will get closer and then someday he will share what he has with you for when you got to the point of trusting each other then things will change between you both. Then always remember this that once your spouse is your best friend your marriage will last a life time.
  7. You know you are old is when the candles cost more then the cake.
  8. Three rules to a less complicated life: Trust, Commitment and Love.
  9. I am sorry I did not know that you can put words together to make a sentence.
  10. Once saved everyone spiritual journey is in a different learning stage within everyone’s life.
  11. Is it called your tribe or is it called your church group or church family?
  12. The key with building your tribe or church is: you want to be so clear about your message that when people encounter it they will be a part of it or they don't



  1. Man can change himself : Although being wounded by circumstances of life, man can change bad behavior. This is a combination of the above positions: that through education, logic and reason, man can overcome self.
  2. Lemurs To Humans 1) Urantia Book 61:1.2,4

2) Urantia Book 61:2.10

3) Urantia Book 65:2.13-16

4) Urantia Book 62:0.1 – 62:2.3

5) Urantia Book 62:2.6

6) Urantia Book 62:3.1-3

7) Urantia Book 62:3.8 – 62:4.7

8) Urantia Book 61:6.1,2

9) Urantia Book 62:5.1

  1. There are some things that for some reason we cannot comprehend and one of them is the materialization of matter within heaven and earth. We are spiritual beings in matter form living within an earthly realm.
  2. God talks to us with a small still voice and once saved the spirit of truth will live within us.

When Jesus died and they put him the tomb the angels come and because they are not restrained by time they incinerated him that is why when they found the grave sheet there was his impression within the sheet they call the shroud of Turin.

  1. Then when he appeared before them he was in spirit form with enough matter for them to see him. What is really interesting is that God can make things in heaven and then he can make anything materialize within this earthly realm.
  2. The ascension order of paradise deities

God (grandfather)  The Holy Spirit (grandmother)

Michael (father) The Spirit of truth (mom)

Jesus is the bestowed Son of our creator son Michael of our solar system we live in.

Bestowed means (to give) him the power to do what he did here on earth.

  1. For a woman to feel love she needs little things, like flowers, tell her you love her, do this with her not for her. For a man to feel loved a woman has to make love to him and then he will show love back.

it is a difference between doing things with them and doings thing for them. like moved night you made plans to watch a TV show with them but you did not do things with them like going on a pick nick.

  1. When you love someone is like having an old truck when it breaks down you can fix it. When it gets a flat tire you fix the tire you do not replace the truck just because of the flat tire. Within any relationship if you do not agree on something’s just sit down and work it out so both of you are happy with the outcome. Like the old woman said do you always want to be right or be married?
  2. How can one lead slaves to freedom if they don't even know they are slaves?
  3. What or who God is and where he is therefor is relevant for God just is and always has been.
  4. We now have come to know that why God created everything was for us to share life with God.
  5. For God made everything in heaven and then made It appear as matter so it can be touched by humans.
  6. For God will never take away our free will so therefor he will never tell us what to do.
  7. For GOD does not see us a sinners for God sees us as disobedient children and because of our disobedience it is called sin for sin means when God asks you to do something for him and you do not do it. Sin the cause of your disobedience.
  8. If I was standing before Jesus and I would say: For you are no better then me and I am no better then you for we are all the children of God but some are just disobedient.
  9. Throughout our lives we should enjoy each other’s company, the journey of life, our everyday life, for our journey throughout our life and those we help are more important than when the end of our life comes and then can we say that we have enjoyed life with the ones we have come to know and love and to have our journey with the Knowledge that what we have done we have traveled throughout our life with God within us. For if not then our journey throughout our life would have been lonely and empty.
  10. Are you at that point within your life that you know you got saved but it seems like you have become distant from GOD? GOD is always the same but we tend to become distant from GOD. We have to come to understand that we have to give 100% ourselves to GOD so GOD can run our lives instead of us trying to run it ourselves. IT is like trying to run a car with our GAS. Within GOD in our lives we now have guidance, his love for us, then we come to understand that once we have come to that conclusion that when we let GOD run our lives we just do what he asks and at the end of the day we have had a good day and got a lot done. with out his guidance our life becomes chaotic and we tend to get nothing done and really tired at the end of the day and still did not get anything done that had to be done.
  11. Now for the most important thing within anyone's lives within this earthly realm: IS to keep date night at least three times a week and get your mom or mom in-law to watch the kids so you can go out on date night and just and sit and enjoy each other’s company and talk about all the things has been going on with each one of your lives'. Not only do you have date night made sure that it is away from the home and just spend time together. For when you get old your looks with fade and your money will be gone and the only thing you will have left is each other.
  12. So as one journey ends, another begins. And when you find the Urantia Book then your real journey of Discovery begins.
  13. The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge. You have to forgive yourself for what they have done to you. That all this time you see it coming but did not do anything about it. So when it happened you are mad at yourself for not putting a stop to it before it happened. So you have to forgive yourself first so you can forgive them for being themselves.
  14. A beautiful woman uses her lips for truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, her hands for charity and her heart for love. For those that don't like her, she seeks Gods wisdom through prayer.
  15. Children: When A woman is with child and she decides she just does not want the child she seeks out a Doc to abort the child. but have you realized that the child she is caring would be the next president, a great musician, or even the one that could stop wars and even rumor of wars. Have you thought of the potential of that child that she is caring? Have the child and let someone else raise the child for someday that child might be great. What the bible says about the beginning of life before the child is born. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
  16. God said: that they get bored with childhood. They rush to grow up and then long to be children again.
  17. That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.
  18. That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.
  19. That they live as if they will never die, and die as if they had never lived.
  20. As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons you want your children to learn?

To learn that it is not good to compare themselves too others.

To learn they cannot make anyone love them.

What they can do is let themselves be loved. 

  1. To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.
  2. To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love, and it takes many years to heal them.
  3. To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.
  4. To learn that there are persons who love them dearly, but simply do not know how to express or show their feelings.
  5. To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.
  6. To learn that it is not always enough that they are forgiven by others.
  7. But that they must forgive themselves first and then they can forgive others.
  8. Then as God said to learn that I am here for you always.
  9. For God is our heavenly Father and the one that conceived us is our earthly father and the one that raised us is our dad.
  10. You all have a return ticket to Paradise, yes you all come from the Universe of Father, God, and you are destined to return to your Father God as a perfected human being. This is all that Father demands of you, to return to Father under your own free will as a perfected human being.

105.Yes, you can say that’s quite an old order and how that come about. For those of you who are already familiar with the Urantia Book you will know that from the moment of conception your personality was given to you by the Father of all.

  1. While still in an embryonic form in your mother’s worm that personality began to grow and then later as a child, after making your first moral decision, you received your Beloved Father Fragment who also brought with him your Soul in an embryonic form. Also, you have your thought adjuster/Guardian Angels as they are sometime referred to, to help on your journey, your return journey to Paradise.
  2. Another case of a disguised mental illness undiagnosed.
  3. I must remind you that although silently, the mechanical mind is hard to grasp, the life phenomenon is "invisible" quantum cycles that always improve the efficiency of space and is unrelated to time in almost all things except the duplicates of temporal mirrors. Be sure that science, for example, will never accept the term "god" in its researches, not because there is no a original and infinite consciousness, but because the label brings the finitude of a concept.
  4. When do you become the likeness of the KING? When Saved.
  5. When litigators prepare their witnesses to testify, one of the specific things we instruct them on is techniques for dealing with yes/no questions on cross-examination that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no.

The basic technique is to say something along the lines of, “I could answer your question with a simple yes or no, but it would be misleading, and I wouldn’t want the jury to be misled. May I explain?”

That way, the witness looks like the good guy — he’s on the jury’s side of truth and right — and he puts opposing counsel to a forced choice.

If opposing counsel insists on a yes/no answer, she looks like a ratfink who’s trying to hide something from the jury.

If opposing counsel doesn’t want to alienate the jury, the witness gets to give the explanation.

  1. They said that nudity is not pornography, weed is not a drug, gay is not wrong, borders are not real, and pineapple does go on pizza.

I say that anyone running around nude is streaking, weed is a plant, gay is ok until you want kids, and any pizza with or without pineapple is still good pizza.

  1. Son: MOM, can I sleep with you? I’m Scared. ME: NO, I cannot risk the monster following you into my room and killing me. So you are on your own.
  2. Free will: it stays intact - people have to choose which way they want to go. This means that nothing will ever be done on the celestial side "by miracle". Possibilities are offered and will be known - it is up to men to choose to accept them or not.
  3. It's not so that people became selfish because of Lucifer's rebellion. Humans were selfish, aggressive and still are. Even in what you understand by a religious or spiritual person there is often a lot of egoism, ego, hypocrisy, thirst for power, greed, pride, jealousy and envy.
  4. All of humanity will always have to choose and work on its own soul growth because no one will suddenly become altruistic, loving or divine. Mankind as a whole must still accomplish this. This can only happen when more and more people choose Gods direction and want to make an effort to improve themselves. Only then will the selfish and wicked wolves gradually become an isolated, powerless minority that will disappear over the centuries.
  5. What do we go to school? IT is learn from our history, math, science, a language, to learn from our ancestors so we will not make the same mistakes.

Then we can solve problems that come up from our history that tells us what to do within a lot of things that happen and you can solve them because you learned in school how to solve them.

  1. 117. John talks much about the “eternal life.” Jesus often spoke of it as the “kingdom of life.”

He also frequently referred to “the kingdom of God within you.” He once spoke of such an experience as “family fellowship with God the Father.” Jesus sought to sub­stitute many terms for the kingdom but always without success. Among others, he used: the family of God, the Father’s will, the friends of God, the fellowship of believ­ers, the brotherhood of man, the Father’s fold, the children of God, the fellowship of the faithful, the Father’s service, and the liberated sons of God. [Paper 170:2.24, page 1861:6]

  1. The New Urantia book will be called: Nystoria, Book of Revelation.
  2. Earth is what we call the planet we live on. Urantia is what God call our earth. Now because of the change that has come because of the lucifer rebellion our solar system and even the galaxy now our earth is called: Nystoria.
  3. When any company only pays minim wage then tell all their employees to go and get food stamps and medical insurance who is stealing money? The companies are stealing from the government for not paying a livable wage in the first place.
  4. Orbs: “And it is on these occasions when they are interested in a project, or mortal individuals that still dwell on the planetary systems that they are presented with the communication device we earlier discussed. These are the orbs of different sizes and different colors that occasionally appear in your photographs. For those in higher realms, involved in projects that go on at a terrestrial level these devices that are minded, that can be instructed, that can take individual instructions, and yet are not endowed with a personality, are of immense value to those who must have their fingers on the pulse of terrestrial happenings.

“The orbs that you will see more and more often in this, the Correcting Time, are not spies because there are no spymasters. They are not divisive; they are simply living devices that keep their superiors, their owners, those at higher levels, up to date with the goings on that particularly concern them.

“Orbs are not Angels. They are certainly not ‘long lost relatives’ or Spirits. They are simply minded machines that can maneuver themselves into any situation where they can record and transmit information to where it is needed elsewhere in the universe.

  1. Religion in Human Experience

The Urantia Book Paper 100

  1. Capturing digital pictures of celestial orbs of energy

You stated, Jean, that you were going to take pictures of spiritual energy orbs or beings with your camera.  We suggest you not use your flash but use the automatic aperture opening on your camera to capture these orbs of energy. There are several there in your presence at this time and so it is a matter of having their frequency register on your digital camera or upon your film. [This is] just a suggestion.

  1. It is as if there are two wolves inside me. One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him, and does not take offense where no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way.” “But the other wolf? Ah! He is full of anger. The littlest thing can set him off into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing.” “Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit.” The boy looked into his Grandfather’s eyes and asked, “Which one wins, Grandfather?” The Grandfather smiled and quietly replied, “The one I feed.”
  2. Because of choice/free will/morals after death we are not allowed to come back and tell everyone that what the Urantia book says is true and to follow it and get saved (means to survive death). But to tell them that it would take away free will for everyone to choose how they live out their lives.
  3. Long ago a midwayer said it was extremely hard to answer our questions because we knew so little about what is really out there and what is really going on to give you an answer that you would understand. For sometimes I would have to explain about something things just to get to answer you questions. This is why we give you a short answer and leave it at that.
  4. My wife got drunk and tried to set our marriage certificate of fire, saying GOOD LUCK trying to return me without the receipt.
  5. 188:4 Meaning of the Death on the Cross
  6. Positive Rights are things that if you don’t already have, the Government has to provide for you. We don’t have a whole lot of those normally. If, however, you are detained by a police officer you do have a positive right to an attorney. If you can’t afford one, one will be provided for you.

Negative Rights are the way our government prefers to do business. Nearly all the rights in the Constitution are negative. You have the right to keep and bear arms, but you can’t demand one from the government for free. Your only right is that they will not interfere with you exercising your right. On your own.

Negative Rights = Liberty.

Positive Rights = Obligation.



  1. Should Christians work for money?

Answer: Let me give you some insight: when Jesus started his teaching he and all the disciples would work for three weeks and then go out and preach for a week and then come back home and go back to work. This way they could afford to go out and preach and teach. Then you have to also realize that we have to separate earthly things from spiritual things. God can take care of because we live within God himself and once saved God will live within us. So we have to work and go by man’s laws so we can do Gods work.

  1. Your relationship within marriage.

The three stages of being married.

Stage one: when we meet someone and start to see them all the time and then think of getting married and starting a family.

Stage two: Is when we get to know them and ask all kinds of questions like over 100 questions before marriage. SO when things come up you both know how to take care of them.

Stage three: Getting married and starting a family.

Now there are also three stages of family life:

Stage one: You get married and enjoying each other and spending as much time together as possible within working, sleeping, and when there is children taking care of them.

Stage two: Now is the time to keep date night and get a baby sitter so you both can have some what I call us time. Just get a baby sitter and go out and eat and just talk about all the things that has happened. Go for a walk on the beach, GO to a park or some where you can just go for a walk and just talk and enjoy each other’s company.

Stage three: As we get older if we do not keep date night we tend to grow apart and even though we live together we might not be together. At one time if you do not do date night soon you become like roommates and just do things that need to be daily. Remember that your spouse is your best friend of all time. Keep date night.

Now within stage three: there is the mind, heart, body, spirit. Within our relationship with our spouse we might still Love (heart) body (sex) still together (mind) spiritually bonded. (Spiritual)

If we lose one we can still be together but once we lose two and then three. And there is only love left like you love your children but glad when they move out. If we feel that way about our spouse we tend to want them to grow up and move out like the children. Most of time happens we start to look for a new relationship and soon we tell our spouse to go and find someone else. IT is time to move on and move out.

When our spouse becomes like one of our children we tend to treat them that way. Then when they are gone we tend to miss them like we miss our children when they move out.

It is not that we miss them but we miss the idea of them being there to talk to when we need someone to talk too. We just have to find someone else to talk to so we can replace them.

Now if we take care of our marriage friendship and relationship then we can spend the rest of our lives with them.

We have to keep date night at least 3 times a week, enjoy each other company, bed time, hug, kiss, and just be there when things go wrong. Do little things like candy, flowers, going to dinner just the two of you? On the week end have family day with all the relatives, like a cook out or a cook out at the beach for the day. To spend time with either family. Like the old saying Goes those that pray together say together.

A woman needs to be showed love and a man needs to be made love to for them to show love. The woman within any home is the most important for she is the one that will make the home a home or she will be the one to that will destroy the home and there will be a divorce for she has not performed her job as the only one that can make the home and home.

Now for one last thing no matter what I have said here always remember one thing:

We have to learn to keep earthly things and spiritual things separated and as we go throughout our lives we can see and tell the difference between them. This way we can tell if someone is telling us the truth or not.

For sometimes we are told things and we do not or cannot determine if they are true or not but once we come to the understanding of what is earthly and what is spiritual then we can determine what the truth is or what is not the truth.

What goes in your mouth will not defile you but what comes out of your mouth will defile you.

For what you say and do is also within your heart.

Now for the last thing: Always do what you want to do as you got throughout your lives for when you get old you can look back and say I would have done it all over again.

  1. God does not forgive our sins. God forgives us our disobedience. Sin is the cause of our disobedience. So when we repent and confess our disobedience to God he forgives us and he gives us the gift of internal life in heaven with him. For if we do not confess our disobedience when we get to heaven and stand before God and denounce him we will cease to exit. For there is no hell for hell is only an earthly term we use here on earth only.
  2. The reason married couples fight is because they never did stage two within the three stages of marriage. Stage one: Meet someone and get to know them. Stage two: talk about all the things that you both will go through lives problems with the, kids, parents, brothers, sisters, relative’s, and all the other things that will come up in life. Ask the 1,000 questions that need to be talked about. So when you do get married you both will know what to do when the time comes when something happens. You just take care of it for you already have talked about it and know what has to be done when it happens. There will still be times when things come up that you have not talked about and then the best thing would to sit down and talk about it and take care of it. It is better to sit and talk about it and agree on what to do. Then to fight over it so you can get your own way. Sometimes one way is better than others so for the best talk about it and find the best way to take care of what ever happened. So sit and talk about things as they happen so you are both on the same page and can resolve what is going on. Remember one thing you both are best friends and live together so friends work together and solve problems together. For life is short and we need to work together because when we get old all of our money will be gone, our looks will be gone and the only thing we will have left is our lifelong friend we call our spouse.
  3. If I had billions of dollars what would I spend it on? I would hire a construction company to build homeless shelters in every town and city and pay them. so this would help as many as I could and setup training programs to train them to have a trade. Then setup some stores and sell things to keep the shelters open.
  4. 102:2.7 Evolutionary man does not naturally relish hard work. To keep pace in his life experience with the impelling demands and the compelling urges of a growing religious experience means incessant activity in spiritual growth, intellectual expansion, factual enlargement, and social service. There is no real religion apart from a highly active personality. Therefore do the more indolent of men often seek to escape the rigors of truly religious activities by a species of ingenious self-deception through resorting to a retreat to the false shelter of stereotyped religious doctrines and dogmas. But true religion is alive. Intellectual crystallization of religious concepts is the equivalent of spiritual death. You cannot conceive of religion without ideas, but when religion once becomes reduced only to an idea, it is no longer religion; it has become merely a species of human philosophy.
  5. I think I unknowingly committed the unpardonable sin, will God forgive me?

The question that you have asked we have to explain some things first to answer your question first:

Sin is the cause of our disobedience to GOD. God sees us as disobedient children. We have to realize that we have to separate our earthly realm with our spiritual realm. What we do here on earth if we do something wrong we will pay for with our money or with our body. Like go to jail or pay a fine for what we have done.

For us within our spiritual realm all we have to do is repent our disobedience and God has for us of our (sin) Disobedience.

Now for another thing that GOD will never do is take away our free will to choose how we live and even who or what we worship. So if you ask for something from GOD and he does not answer you then are you one of his children. If you have not repented he will not do what you as if it within not taking away your free will to choose. If you are not one of this children he will still listen to you but will not answer for you are not one of this children.

Like if you went next door and asked the dad that lived there for something to eat or drink. For you are not one of his children he does not have to give you anything and not even answer your question. For you are not one of his children. Then again he might have compassion and give you some water and even some food.

So what you have asked has nothing to do with life here on earth. It is what you have done wrong to whom? That can be fixed by asking forgiveness.

It is very hard to answer questions for you know so little of what is really out there within the cosmos. But this explains some with what you have for understanding as of right now.

  1. What Jesus taught was not a religion but the self-discovery of God that will live within us just for the asking.

Jesus said that once you have received the fragment of God then the self-journey begins from within us.

For we live within our father’s world and once saved our father will live within us.



  1. How can I find god if I'm an atheist?

For one thing I want you to think about this first before you do anything else within your life: For one thing if there was no GOD then how do you get perfection out of chaos? To have perfection you have to have a creator or a being and or a force to create perfection, like if you build a car you have to create the car with perfection so it will work as intended. Without perfection how can you take a pile of trash and turn it into a car. This does not mean there is a GOD that created us but there has to be an entity/creator to take chaos and turn it in to perfection. No matter what it is everything within this earth had to be created by something for no matter what you cannot take chaos and turn it into perfection without a force to do this.

  1. How can anyone take away jobs that no one wants to work at? There are jobs out there that no one wants and just will not work at. So if someone from a different town comes in and takes that job they do not take away jobs from within that town. For if the job is there and no one wants it then it does not matter where the labor comes from as long as the job is filled.
  2. 81:6.24 (909.5) Insects are born fully educated and equipped for life—indeed, a very narrow and purely instinctive existence. The human baby is born without an education; therefore man possesses the power, by controlling the educational training of the younger generation, greatly to modify the evolutionary course of civilization.
  3. When you get married you not only marry one of the family members but you become one of their family members also. So it is very important that you get to know your spouse’s family too. Spend time with them so they can get to know you so all of you will get a long and help each other. If not then there will be things that happen just because you never got to know them.
  4. Do not eat fish farmed fish for the farmed fish is the most toxic food on earth. Second is beef.
  5. 132:2.10 The possibility of evil is necessary to moral choosing, but not the actuality thereof. A shadow is only relatively real. Actual evil is not necessary as a personal experience. Potential evil acts equally well as a decision stimulus in the realms of moral progress on the lower levels of spiritual development. Evil becomes a reality of personal experience only when a moral mind makes evil its choice.
  6. IT really makes a difference whom your father is: God or Man
  7. Salvation was always here but what was you saved from? Then why was it not taught?
  8. 130:4.4 Aone-eyed person can never hope to visualize depth of perspective. Neither can single-eyed material scientists nor single-eyed spiritual mystics and allegorists correctly visualize and adequately comprehend the true depths of universe reality. All true values of creature experience are concealed in depth of recognition.
  9. 117:7.17 (1293.1) The perfected grand universe of those future days will be vastly different from what it is at present. Gone will be the thrilling adventures of the organization of the galaxies of space, the planting of life on the uncertain worlds of time, and the evolving of harmony out of chaos, beauty out of potentials, truth out of meanings, and goodness out of values. The time universes will have achieved the fulfillment of finite destiny! And perhaps for a space there will be rest, relaxation from the age long struggle for evolutionary perfection. But not for long! Certainly, surely, and inexorably the enigma of the emerging Deity of God the Ultimate will challenge these perfected citizens of the settled universes just as their struggling evolutionary forebears were once challenged by the quest for God the Supreme. The curtain of cosmic destiny will draw back to reveal the transcendent grandeur of the alluring absonite quest for the attainment of the Universal Father on those new and higher levels revealed in the ultimate of creature experience.
  10. What is a Kingdom?

Noun: kingdom; plural noun: kingdoms a country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen.

Synonyms:      realm, domain, dominion, country, empire, principality, land, nation, state, sovereign state, province, territory "his kingdom stretched to the sea" a realm associated with or regarded as being under the control of a particular person or thing.

"The kingdom of dreams"

Synonyms:      domain, province, realm, sphere, dominion, territory, arena, zone "the third floor was Henderson's little kingdom"

  1. The spiritual reign or authority of God.

The rule of God or Christ in a future age.

Heaven as the abode of God and of the faithful after death.

  1. Each of the three traditional divisions (animal, vegetable, and mineral) in which natural objects have conventionally been classified.

Synonyms:      division, category, classification, grouping, group

"The plant kingdom"


The highest category in taxonomic classification.

  1. New thoughts

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your personality

Watch your personality; for it becomes your destiny.

Watch your destiny; for it becomes your future

Watch your future; for it becomes your spiritual destiny

Watch your spiritual destiny; for it becomes your life

Watch your life; for it becomes your thoughts


The battle was fight in heaven for eternal life but the Lucifer rebellion lost

You can be evil and not sin

You can sin and not be evil

You can be holy and divine

Jesus was neither holy or divine but when Jesus was baptized Jesus become divine

When Jesus was baptized his soul become divine.

The spirit is generous but not always fair

Our personality is our soul and our soul is our personality

Be happy for this moment in time is the beginning of your future of choice within your free will to choose what you do the rest of your life.

Learning is a long road but at the end of the road you become a teacher.

If you are going through hell just keep going.










March 16, 1986 of this calendar Lucifer and Caligastia died. Satan lost his mind and now in a hospital forever on one of the prison worlds

Joseph was 21 and Mary was 20 when they were married

One year later Jesus was born on aug 23, BC 07

He died on the cross April 9, 30 A.D


The reason there is male and female is:

For the DNA to be mixed there has to be the male and female separate for if they were one and had children after a while the DNA would not be strong enough for the beings to survive for a very long time. The strain would die off. So God in all his wisdom separated them into male and female so there would be more of a broad DNA exchange. For now with male and female there can be many tribes and they can mate and make the DNA stronger with outside DNA.

That is a really interesting question for this is the way it was


Mary spoke Aramaic, Joseph spoke Aramaic and Greek

Joseph was adopted by Herod and then he became Jewish within the roman empire. So that made the whole family roman Jews. The family was given a bible that was in Hebrew so to read it they had to learn Hebrew. so as Jesus grew up he learned all three. So later on in life it really helped him when he started preaching because he taught in all three.

The 12 disciple spoke different languages so that is why in the bible he taught only two or three at a time for he had to talk to them in their language.

So to answer the question by his father Joseph that was adopted by Herod the whole family was Jewish Romans.

The Jewish church elders all spoke Hebrew so all the church services was in Hebrew.

  1. 170:1.13 (1859.6) At different times and in varying circumstances it appears that Jesus may have presented numerous concepts of the “kingdom” in his public teachings, but to his apostles he always taught the kingdom as embracing man’s personal experience in relation to his fellows on earth and to the Father in heaven. Concerning the kingdom, his last word always was, “The kingdom is within you.”


It is better to light a candle then to sit in the darkness

We are all made in the image of God but we are all baked in different ovens

For wisdom does not touch the weak but the weak can experience wisdom

If change comes within your life also your fortune will change

Wisdom comes to those that seek it

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Before you can win you must play the game first

If you have a large chair, or car, or house, or even a castle does not always make you king/

Beautiful things are never perfect

Do not marry for beauty or money but marry for love for beauty and money will fade away when we get old. So that is all you will have when you get old is each other.


"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."

 “Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!” 

If your religion does not change you change your religion.

 Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself we then realize once saved God now lives within us.

Always remember that we have to separate the things of this world with the things that are spiritual.


 To become Saved. Read below.

Prayer of Salivation


God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that God is real, and I make Jesus lord of my life right now, and I repent of all disobedience and turn from it. God I have been disobedient against your teachings that you taught so many years ago. I open the door of my heart and let you in. Jesus you are lord of my life and I will only serve you. I have been disobedient and perverted that which you taught and it profited me not. Lord I give myself completely to you. I need your power to live for you. Fill me with over flowing with your Holy Spirit. I receive your fullness right now. I will be and I will do what you want me to do from here on. My will is now is that your will be done. In the name of the creator father, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


Minister John Ruland III

Call for more information—812-657-5583 Home  (HEADING) (The Changers Church)


Religion in Law

I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy

 The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.

 Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.

Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions

Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police? With the next thought is that with no religion who will you hire for within chaos who will want to become a police officer in the first place? Then in reality will there be anyone left to stop the chaos?

Last thought to teach:

It seems as though you have reached your total understand that the bible is the only book that tells the story about the whole time frame of the past and even the future. It also seems like you are limited for your understanding is only of what is in the bible itself. All the known bibles that we use has so much Jewish tradition within it that without all the Jewish traditions in it there would be no book.

Now I am going to cause you great pain when you find out that the story of Virgin Mary had Jesus from a totally virgin birth without any human intervention.

Jewish traditions said that a woman even though she has been married for a year and been sleeping with her husband is still a virgin until she has her first child. This is said because if they get divorced before she has her first child she can remarry.

Joseph was 21 and Mary was 20 and they were married for a whole year before Jesus was born unto her. Jesus was his Hebrew name. His mom was aerobic and joseph was Greek. So Jesus given name was Joshua Ben Joseph and he was born 9/21/07 B.C.

Now with this in mind the next thing is everything here on earth is for us to use and to use as food or to make things with.

No matter what it is if it is of this earth it has nothing to do with God’s kingdom. For God’s kingdom is only spiritual and salvation is a spiritual awaking of the soul.

Our job is to get everyone saved and let GOD change them from within. That is all our job is to get them saved. Not to judge them on how they live or what they even do throughout their lives.

Nothing here on earth means anything to God. So the shedding of blood for our sins means nothing to God for it is of this earth.

God is love and he loves us and no matter what we do here on earth he loves us no matter what.

For us to become one of the families of God we have to get saved and then become one of his spiritual children. Saved means to survive death. For God to take care of us we have to live within the confines of God himself for him to take care of us so this means that we live within God himself and once saved God lives within us.


Main Sermon to tell

Jewish traditions

Psalm 14:1 No GOD also 53:1

Genesis 1:26-27 likeness

Matthew 3:13-17   Dove upon Jesus

Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer fallen

Matt 4:10 Satan fell

Matthew 22:30 No marriage in heaven

Acts 2:1 Pentecost means 50th day and that is when the diciples received the spirit of truth.

2 Corinthians 6:14 unequally yoked

Sin: is when you disobey GOD

Difference between man’s laws and GOD’s laws.

Man’s laws says if you do something wrong no matter why you did you shall be punished.

GOD law says: GOD looks in to your heart to find out why you did it.

GOD does not see us a sinners but as disobedient children.

Philippians 2:10 every knee shall bow

Urantia book ten commandments 142:3.10

What does the word Virgin really mean in the bible.

Although Ahaz was an evil king, God would continue to protect Jerusalem in the merit of his righteous predecessors. When Ahaz ignores Isaiah’s warning the prophet tells him to request a sign from God. After Ahaz refuses this offer, Isaiah informs him that God will give him a sign despite his stubbornness. He tells King Ahaz that “The Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold the Almah (הָעַלְמָה) shall conceive and give birth to a son and she shall call his name Immanuel.”    Isaiah 7:14


The word Almah has been mistranslated by most Christians as “virgin.” In truth, this word means “young woman.” Additionally, the definite article (Ha-ה) means “the” and indicates that the prophet is speaking about a specific woman who he can point to. Interestingly when Matthew quotes this passage he not only mistranslates “young woman” as “virgin” but, to deflect the reference from a specific woman standing before Isaiah, he intentionally mistranslates “the young woman” as “a virgin.” To prove that “Almah” does in fact mean “a virgin” missionaries fallaciously assert that this word is used 7 times in the bible and that it always refers to a woman who is a virgin.