Some new thoughts

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Some new thoughts


For one thing I want you to think about this first before you do anything else within your life: For one thing if there was no GOD then how do you get perfection out of chaos? To have perfection you have to have a creator, like if you build a car you have to create the car with perfection so it will work as intended. Without perfection how can you take a pile of trash and turn it into a car. This does not mean there is a GOD that created us but there has to be an entity/creator to take chaos and turn it in to perfection. No matter what it is everything within this earth had to be created by something for no matter what you cannot take chaos and turn it into perfection without a force to do this.


What is the most important thing in your life?

Is it better to be one of God’s servants or being a servant for God?

The spirit is generous but not always fair

Battle in heaven was not over who was right or who was wrong but the real battle was over eternal life and being immortal.

We are personalities to God and he sees us not as sinners but as disobedient children


Within our ideals, choices, ethics, body, mind, spirit, soul becomes our personality.


Chain of command

God = our grandfather                Holy Spirit = Grandmother

Michel = father                          Spirit of truth = Mother spirit

Jesus = bestowed earthly teacher

Jesus body was not holy or divine but his soul was divine

Divine means = to have immortality

Once Jesus was in heaven Michael and God made him a finaliter.




What God wants is for us to become a finaliter.

What a finaliter is = God fuzzed mortal with a perfect adjuster.

Adjuster = A fragment of God himself.



We hear the word salvation a lot but what does it really mean: It means to survive death. For once saved we receive the Spirit of truth with immortality. So when we die we will wake up in heaven and have immortality so to never die again. Without salvation when we wake up in heaven will die the second death and cease to exist. Everyone has that choice to as for the free gift of salvation and all you have to ask God to come in your soul and then once saved the change will come from within.




 With any relationship enjoy each other and spend time with each other for life is short and time goes by so fast that if you do not have date night at least 3 times a week you will grow apart. Remember when you started to date you spent all the time you could with each other and did things together. No matter what you have to keep date night with it comes up so this way get out of the home and do something with each other. The most important thing is to stay friends all your life and without date night you will find and soon grow apart for anyone that does not spend time talking, enjoying each other’s company and doing things together will soon get divorced for they are not friends any longer. All because they did not have a date night like when they were going together.




What is really interesting is that what holds the earth in place within our solar system is magnetism from all the other planets and even the sun. Because of magnetism our planet even spins and when the earth seems to wobble the earth quakes, landslides and other things move around on the earth and the planet will not wobble any longer. Then because of the molten center if need be the molten lava will move out to the outside of the earth to take away the wobble too.

Then what was really interesting was that all the planets in this solar system is pieces broken of the sun and become planets and made this solar system. This is one of the newer solar systems and only about 1 billion years old. This is why the center of the earth is molten for it has not cooled down yet from where it broke loose from the sun.




What God wants is for us to become a finaliter.

What is a Finaliter = father fused mortals with a perfect adjuster.

Adjuster = A fragment of God himself.


Our life here on earth is the beginning of our training to become a Finaliter.

Our death on this earth will be the continuation of our training for us to become a Finaliter within heaven. Once this happens we then will be given more to do in heaven and even might have our own solar system to take care of.


Jesus = is in reality the earthly bestowed teacher from Michael the system creator son. That is really who Jesus was within the kingdom of heaven.

With Jesus’s excepted bestowal when he got to heaven after he died he became a finaliter. The next step up would be a creator son that could be awarded his own solar system to create and reign over.

March 16, 1986 of this calendar Lucifer and Caligastia died. Satan lost his mind and now in a hospital forever on one of the prison worlds

Jesus was his Hebrew name and Joshua Ben Joseph was his Jewish given name

Joseph was 21 and Mary was 20 when they were married

One year later Jesus was born on Aug. 23, BC 07

He died on the cross April 9, 30 A.D

 Jesus had 8 brothers and sisters

Joseph died when Jesus was 14 from a construction accident working for the king Herod Jr. That means that Jesus at the age of 14 had to work to make money to provide the many things that was needed to live on.

We live within God himself that is why he can take care of us and know what is going on. This is why we cannot find him because we live within God himself and once saved God will live within us.

Jesus died on the cross so this way he could save his disciples from death. Once Jesus died on the cross they thought that once he was gone the movement would end but because of this death the movement has really begun.

This all can found on this website =


Jesus = is in reality the earthly bestowed teacher from Michael the system creator son. That is really who Jesus was within the kingdom of heaven.

With Jesus’s excepted bestowal when he got to heaven after he died he became a finaliter. The next step up would be a creator son that could be awarded his own solar system to create and reign over.

March 16, 1986 of this calendar Lucifer and Caligastia died. Satan lost his mind and now in a hospital forever on one of the prison worlds

Jesus was his Hebrew name and Joshua Ben Joseph was his Jewish given name

Joseph was 21 and Mary was 20 when they were married

One year later Jesus was born on Aug. 23, BC 07

He died on the cross April 9, 30 A.D

 Jesus had 8 brothers and sisters

Joseph died when Jesus was 14 from a construction accident working for the king Herod Jr. That means that Jesus at the age of 14 had to work to make money to provide the many things that was needed to live on.

We live within God himself that is why he can take care of us and know what is going on. This is why we cannot find him because we live within God himself and once saved God will live within us.

This all can found on this website =

Political war will turn into a spiritual war so this way all the churches will get involved and then they will have a bigger army then if they had not done it. If you call it a spiritual war then the church gets in the middle and there for all the ones in politics can manipulate how the war goes about and even sometimes the outcome. It is called political seeds of a spiritual cause.

We can make plans for our family or we can make plans with our family.

No matter where you go to church you can always tell if it is earthly church or a worldly church by one thing.

Can you get into church with shorts and tee shirt or do you have to be in a suit and the spouse in a dress just to get in.

A real church most of the time will let you in no matter what you are waring because they are not preaching to your cloths but to your spirit.

Every church needs funds to pay the bills just to keep the church open so you will have a place to go that is not in a field some place but a warm place in winter and a cool place in summer. So you cannot go by how many times they pass the plate to get the funds that is needed every week. You have to look at what they are doing with the money and what outreach, teaching classes, and even if they have a church bus that goes and gets people. It makes a difference on what they use if for and how many they help along the way. For if there is not much going on there might not be enough money coming in to do much but some of the bigger churches sometimes has the funds to do more but are they.

All the churches should have free classes to teach others on how to preach and become pastors so they can send them out to start their own church but not many do this for they say go to college and become a pastor but not all of us have the time or the funds to do this so just have to find a church that has those classes. Then you will find a good church.


Within everyday life we tend to do things that sometimes needs to be done and some that can wait for another day to do. We tend to spend time talking on the phone and watching TV way too much. For you can be there for the family or you can do things with the family. Like movie night you are with them but you did not interact with them. You was here but no doing things with them. Like playing games going to the park, even going to the mall and walking around and just window shop. Spend time with your family and do things with them for time is short and the kids grow so fast that time just goes by and we tend to not do much from day today because we have a full time job and we are tired when we get home but sat have a cook out with all the family and then on Sunday do things with the family, like going to the park, going swimming and even a day camping trip with you can go fishing and just do things together. Leave he phone and all the toys in the car so no matter what you will not be bothered within family time. You can check the phone once in a while but leave it in the car. When you are around water it could be wet. Even put it in a zip lock bag and even then the phone will still work but it will be water prof. even with the spouse have date night at least 3 times a week and go away from the house and sit and eat and go for a walk and just talk about all the things that has happened and things that is coming up. Get a baby sitter for date night. Even if it mom or even grand mom for it would seem like they would not mind taking care of the grandchildren for two or three hours 3 times a week. It is really important to have family time at least 2 times a week. Have a cook out and invite the whole family and have them bring something cook or all done. Both sides of the family too. This way the family will be close and with this there might not be much fighting over things but you never know there is always someone that likes to cause trouble all you have to do is say to them this is family time and if you have problems with someone do it someplace else this is our family time not yours. If you do not like someone just go and sit some place where they are not.


You know what is kind of interesting is that over time we tend to do things that seem to be needed done but in reality they only needed to be done because we thought at the time it was important to us at the time to get it done. But after we got it done and within a few days it seemed like it was not that important to us.

What in life is really important to us on a daily within our life? Is family, our job, money, church, other friends, even what we drive, where we live, the well being of our children? There is so many things that happen from day today and over time we seem to lose sight of what is really important to us. Now family should come first, then your job, then all the other things that you have to do from day today. Some would say your religion comes first but once you are saved God lives within us and we can talk to him anytime and even all day long if we want so our religion lives within our spirit. So we have to come to the understanding that we live within two worlds. One earthly and one spiritual and here on earth our family comes first and then our job, and all the rest we do from day today. For our spiritual world lives within us and with this we can talk to God all day if we want to. What is here on earth stays here on earth. When we die only our spirit will ascend to heaven for there is no flesh within heaven. When you get to heaven you will be given a new body. Only your personality will be within your new body but not the body that you will have now. For our body takes up space and has to move within the space it takes up but with our new body it does not take up space but is the space. Like looking in a mirror. We see ourselves within the mirror and when we touch he mirror all we see is he image of us. That is like the earth and heaven. Our body lives on earth and our mirror image would be the one in heaven without gender organ’s. We will still look male and female but with out the gender organs. So in heaven they are not given in marriage for there is no need of it there. For there will be no children born as we come to understand as living here on earth. But most of the time a female and male will be mated for eternity. Like Adam and Eve were put together for ever. For they each work together to do what needs to be done. The best thing about when a man and woman come together they each can do things the other cannot. For a woman will have the urge to nurture and take care of the children and then man will go and seek food and build a home for his family.


The woman seeks to be outwardly loved with gifts, saying you love her, and even showing her that you love her by doing little things like candy, flowers, and other little things. For a man to be loved she has to make love to him and then he will show love for her. Once she understands this the relationship between them sometimes gets better. For is she wants something all she has to do is make love to him and he will do anything she wants. But if she with holds her loving he tends to think she does not love him any longer and he will seek love someplace else. So this is why so many men cheat for if they do not get what they need at home they will go elsewhere. But not all men will see love outside the home but will be withdrawn and not do much around the home for if there is no love making he does not feel like he is loved. The worse part she was the one that started this for once she does not make love to him any longer he will not get her any candy or flowers for why should he she does not love him any longer so why get her anything. So to jump start the relationship again all she has to do is make love to him all the time and then in turn will show is love for her with candy and flowers and other small things but without her doing what she has to do first the relationship will be almost over for him until she realizes that she is the most important one in any relationship in the family. She not only has to take care of the kids but she has to nurture her husband just like she has to do with the kids. The woman can keep the marriage going or she can destroy it. It really all depends on her on what she does and how she does it within any family.

So no matter what anyone says about woman they are the most important one within any relationship and marriage with any family. She can make the family or she can destroy the family to in how she goes about handling everything within the family. You see a good family and the family is close and she takes care of the family then you have found a good wife.


A woman can be whoever she wants to be and that includes being a pastor of a church within any church she wants to teach in.

Now I think that any woman or man can do any job they want to do and it does not matter what it is. For some woman can do what we call a man’s job and some men can do woman’s jobs too. So does that make a woman’s job a woman’s job and a man’s job a man’s job? Over time our custom is for men do one job and woman do other jobs. So within the custom of all the things that needs to be done gets done for everyone has their job to do and this way it gets done. But as long as the job that needs to be done does it matter what gender does it?




What is really interesting is a woman’s body has and is built different than a mans is. For if you as a woman on your left and right side where your leg bends there is a little nub there and you never really know why it was there and what it was used for. It is so when you put your child on your hip the baby stayed there because of that extra nub on the end of your bone.

Like woman’s arms and elbow is in a different configuration then a man’s is for it is made so you can hold the baby longer on your hip.

I do not know how many times I have said this but the woman within the family is the one that can hold the family together or she can destroy the family. She can take of the things that needs to be done, take care of, and or become aware of what her real importance is within the family. With the right training she can become super mom not just mom but super mom for she will be the one that will take care of the family the way it should be taken care of.

But if she never was taught or even learned from her mom then there will be gapes within her life and family life. For you can only do what you have learned from others but if others do not know how you can learn from them.


I want to leave you with one thought: How do we come to know the truth of anything that we have learned throughout our lives. If what we have learned is not the real truth that was told to us. Then the real thought was what I have asked was what was taught was the truth that we learned but was it what they wanted to get across when they taught it. You can teach but did they learn on what you taught or what you tried to get across within your teaching.

We learn things from day today but do we remember what we see or did we see what they were trying to get across or what they meant or how they meant it.

Like there is a difference on teaching a subject or getting across what was taught within the subject. It is like showing you how to make the item or how to use it once it is made. How to read the book or how to print the book. How to fix the car or drive the car. So did you get across what you taught or was it different on what you taught on what you wanted to get across. You can ask a question or answer the question. But you have to ask the question first. Then answer the question.

You can be with the kids and spouse or you can interact with the kids and spouse.

I hope I have got across what I was trying to get across for learning or teaching sometimes is hard to get across on what you teach so everyone can get the idea of what you was trying to get across was just the point on what was said.


So say what mean and mean what you say for if you say what you mean then mean what you say you will always be taken on your word for if you mean what you say then you will do what you said. Then everyone can take what you have said as the truth and therefor you will do what you have said then everyone will believe what you have said that you will do.

With all that said take care for now.