Questions to ask

Church Home one world Gender Identity The Holy Condition A new way of thinking about life God mean to me Hell in the Urantia book Things to Remember Mark of the beast Newsletter Subscription There are only two genders About Favorite Links Your Candle Tribal Attributes Three Stages of Marriage Earthly Life Separate Family Life Some new thoughts New Ways Your Life Atheist Earthly Experience Book 1-What to Teach Book 2-Change Your Mind Book 3-Basic Info Book 4-Our Safe Zone Book 5-Children Book 6-Information Book 7 Culture Things we should understand Kids turn 16 LIFE ONE Religion The MARK Questions to ask What we need to know Things to Remember Unconditional Love THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH Sermon The Free Gift I do not want to share 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening Before Death BASIC CONCEPTS OF UB

Questions to ask

with all the information out there how much of all that information out there do we believe

Do we really believe all we hear in the news, facebook, through email. There is so much going on right now with everything going on. within our reality how much do we really believe?


explain yourself

Safe Zone

We need to understand the difference between earthly things and spiritual things.


1 free will to choose --   112.5.5

2 Debate with an atheist= How can you have an opinion of something that you have no knowledge of or have tried?

3 we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience

4 We have to the conclusion that we must separate earthly things and spiritual things

5 marriage = Meant for one man and one woman. Can have children within marriage

6 Gay = once married without children. Wants children will have to jump fence to have children and that is grounds for divorce.

7 Best earthly day: when man walked on the moon: Best Spiritual Day: When Jesus walked out of the Tomb

8 Salvation = accepts GOD into our soul/heart

9 spiritual growth = everyone will go through this

10 Tribal attributes = everything that has to do with who they are and who they will become within their own tribe.

11 Culture: a stage of civilization

12 Heritage: inherited at birth

13 Religion: what do you believe in

14 our safe zone

15 God does not see us as sinners he sees us a disobedient children

16 We live within four worlds: 1 within GODs mind. 2 Earth. 3. Unsaved 4 saved

17 we each have a personality

18 we are like Jesus: born of this earth, his soul is divine like ours once saved.  Eternal

19 judgment: Earthly, because we did it. GOD, sees why we did it

20 we live in GODs mind

  1. Evil: difference between the evil one and being evil
  2. Jesus is the Savor/means to show the way to heaven. He is not the sacrificer, a ransomer, or a redeemer. He is the one that shows us the way. He is not the one that is the way.

188:4.7 (2017.2) Though it is hardly proper to speak of Jesus as a sacrificer, a ransomer, or a redeemer, it is wholly correct to refer to him as a savior. He forever made the way of salvation (survival) more clear and certain; he did better and more surely show the way of salvation for all the mortals of all the worlds of the universe of Nebadon.


23 Culture = a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period of time

24 Heritage = something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions 

25 Religion = What is your religion and or faith.

26 can we get to heaven by works?

27 Explain yourself

28 is the man or woman more important in a marriage?

29 why did the marriage fail?

30 you children you will always love but not love what they do

31 Why does evil exist? There is a difference between being evil and the evil one.

32 Spirit of Truth goes with: once save you receive the: Spirit of Truth/your thought adjuster/and your guarding angel. John 16:13 KJV 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

33 Salvation is a free gift so that no one can boast

34 should gay couples have children?

35 is there hell and where is it

36 Hell

(1)     86:4.7 (953.6) Early man entertained no ideas of hell or future punishment. The savage looked upon the future life as just like this one, minus all ill luck. Later on, a separate destiny for good ghosts and bad ghosts — heaven and hell — was conceived. But since many primitive races believed that man entered the next life just as he left this one, they did not relish the idea of becoming old and decrepit. The aged much preferred to be killed before becoming too infirm.


(2) 95:2.9 (1045.2) When Melchizedek appeared in the flesh, the Egyptians had a religion far above that of the surrounding peoples. They believed that a disembodied soul, if properly armed with magic formulas, could evade the intervening evil spirits and make its way to the judgment hall of Osiris, where, if innocent of “murder, robbery, falsehood, adultery, theft, and selfishness,” it would be admitted to the realms of bliss. If this soul were weighed in the balances and found wanting, it would be consigned to hell, to the Devouress. And this was, relatively, an advanced concept of a future life in comparison with the beliefs of many surrounding peoples.


(3) 95:6.6 (1050.2) The Jewish traditions of heaven and hell and the doctrine of devils as recorded in the Hebrew scriptures, while founded on the lingering traditions of Lucifer and Caligastia, were principally derived from the Zoroastrians during the times when the Jews were under the political and cultural dominance of the Persians. Zoroaster, like the Egyptians, taught the “day of judgment,” but he connected this event with the end of the world.


(4) 97:4.3 (1065.6) Said Amos: “He who formed the mountains and created the wind, seek him who formed the seven stars and Orion, who turns the shadow of death into the morning and makes the day dark as night.” And in denouncing his half-religious, timeserving, and sometimes immoral fellows, he sought to portray the inexorable justice of an unchanging Yahweh when he said of the evildoers: “Though they dig into hell, thence shall I take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down.” “And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I direct the sword of justice, and it shall slay them.” Amos further startled his hearers when, pointing a reproving and accusing finger at them, he declared in the name of Yahweh: “Surely I will never forget any of your works.” “And I will sift the house of Israel among all nations as wheat is sifted in a sieve.”


(5) 131:4.7 (1449.2) “God is our Father, the earth our mother, and the universe our birthplace. Without God the soul is a prisoner; to know God releases the soul. By meditation on God, by union with him, there comes deliverance from the illusions of evil and ultimate salvation from all material fetters. When man shall roll up space as a piece of leather, then will come the end of evil because man has found God. O God, save us from the threefold ruin of hell — lust, wrath, and avarice! O soul, gird yourself for the spirit struggle of immortality! When the end of mortal life comes, hesitate not to forsake this body for a more fit and beautiful form and to awake in the realms of the Supreme and Immortal, where there is no fear, sorrow, hunger, thirst, or death. To know God is to cut the cords of death. The God-knowing soul rises in the universe like the cream appears on top of the milk. We worship God, the all-worker, the Great Soul, who is ever seated in the heart of his creatures. And they who know that God is enthroned in the human heart are destined to become like him — immortal. Evil must be left behind in this world, but virtue follows the soul to heaven.

37 HELL: Gehenna, literally translated as "Valley of Hinnom", is thought to be a small valley in Jerusalem. In the Hebrew Bible, Gehenna was initially where some of the kings of Judah sacrificed their children by fire.[1] Thereafter, it was deemed to be cursed (Book of Jeremiah 7:31, 19:2–6).[2]  It is only a earthly term.

38 equality: 194:3.14 (2065.2) Before the teachings of Jesus which culminated in Pentecost, women had little or no spiritual standing in the tenets of the older religions. After Pentecost, in the brotherhood of the kingdom woman stood before God on an equality with man. Among the one hundred and twenty who received this special visitation of the spirit were many of the women disciples, and they shared these blessings equally with the men believers. No longer can man presume to monopolize the ministry of religious service. The Pharisee might go on thanking God that he was “not born a woman, a leper, or a gentile,” but among the followers of Jesus woman has been forever set free from all religious discriminations based on sex. Pentecost obliterated all religious discrimination founded on racial distinction, cultural differences, social caste, or sex prejudice. No wonder these believers in the new religion would cry out, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

39 = salvation :

(200) 193:2.2 (2054.3) “Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that the Son of Man has risen from the dead because you thereby know that you and your brethren shall also survive mortal death. But such survival is dependent on your having been previously born of the spirit of truth-seeking and God-finding. The bread of life and the water thereof are given only to those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness — for God. The fact that the dead rise is not the gospel of the kingdom. These great truths and these universe facts are all related to this gospel in that they are a part of the result of believing the good news and are embraced in the subsequent experience of those who, by faith, become, in deed and in truth, the everlasting sons of the eternal God. My Father sent me into the world to proclaim this salvation of sonship to all men. And so send I you abroad to preach this salvation of sonship. Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace. If professed believers bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives, they are dead; the Spirit of Truth is not in them; they are useless branches on the living vine, and they soon will be taken away. My Father requires of the children of faith that they bear much spirit fruit. If, therefore, you are not fruitful, he will dig about your roots and cut away your unfruitful branches. Increasingly, must you yield the fruits of the spirit as you progress heavenward in the kingdom of God. You may enter the kingdom as a child, but the Father requires that you grow up, by grace, to the full stature of spiritual adulthood. And when you go abroad to tell all nations the good news of this gospel, I will go before you, and my Spirit of Truth shall abide in your hearts. My peace I leave with you.”

40= Sin is a deliberate choice of evil, and should be avoided at all costs, as it can become a habit, hard to break. Of course, we all fail from time to time, but as long as we do not regress into iniquity—"the persistent pursuit of sin—" we can be pretty much assured that we will one day go to the Father's heavenly Mansions to begin our ascending life.

About "judgment day:"

41- death - Jesus said: "Do you not perceive that, when each of you is called to lay down his life struggle and pass through the portal of death, you stand in the immediate presence of judgment, and that you are face to face with the facts of a new dispensation of service in the eternal plan of the infinite Father? What the whole world must face as a literal fact at the end of an age, you, as individuals, must each most certainly face as a personal experience when you reach the end of your natural life and thereby pass on to be confronted with the conditions and demands inherent in the next revelation of the eternal progression of the Father's kingdom." (176:2.7)

42- Seven Urantia Book truths:

God is the greatest experience in human existence. All of us can experience God because we are all children of the Heavenly Father.

If we receive the free gift of salvation we will receive eternal Iife.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. We are asked to love one another as Jesus loves US.

There is an actual part of God that lives within each of us.

We live in an orderly, intelligent, and progressive universe.

Human life has a divine purpose. There is meaning in our planetary history, values in our present situation, and hope for future generations.

The most important knowledge in the world is knowing the religious life of Jesus. The most important spiritual practice is living the religion of Jesus.

43- What is truth: What is the real truth? For what is true to us might not be the real truth. So we all have to seek real truth so when we teach we can teach the real truth.

  1. Creation through evolution
  2. Salvation Prayer: 'Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, fill me with your over flowing right now, in name of the father, son and Spirit of Truth Amen.'
  3. God is Love, but love is not GOD paper 40
  4. 153:2.3 “The priests and teachers of that day sought to kill Jeremiah, but the judges would not consent, albeit, for his words of warning, they did let him down by cords in a filthy dungeon until he sank in mire up to his armpits. That is what this people did to the Prophet Jeremiah when he obeyed the Lord’s command to warn his brethren of their impending political downfall. Today, I desire to ask you: What will the chief priests and religious leaders of this people do with the man who dares to warn them of the day of their spiritual doom? Will you also seek to put to death the teacher who dares to proclaim the word of the Lord, and who fears not to point out wherein you refuse to walk in the way of light which leads to the entrance to the kingdom of heaven?
  5. WE are drowning in information and starving for wisdom.
  6. To change your life your mind set has to change.
  7. Keep plenty of clean water around
  8. Keep can goods that will store will
  9. Shelter = Keep a tarp and rope around
  10. Cloths = and include some wool cloths too
  11. some way to start a fire.
  12. Keep in good physical condition
  13. Sustainable safety
  14. Get Saved so when you die you will survive the spiritual death.
  15. Try to keep your wright to farm.
  16. Try to keep your right to bear arms.
  17. "I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."
  18. “Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!”
  19. If your religion does not change you change your religion.
  20. Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself we then realize once saved God can now live within us.
  21. why do we die? We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience and Our adventure on this earth/Urantia has come to an end. We have to make a choice between heaven and or cease to exist. That is if we have not already made that choice and got saved. Then we will go back to heaven where we come from.
  22. When we die what will we die of?

This is one of the questions I have even asked myself. What will I die of no matter what my age is? From the time we are born our parents make the choice of how we live and what we eat until we get out on our own. Once we get out on our own we then have to make choices of everything that our parents used to decide for us. But now we have to make all the choice in life for ourselves. Within our free will to choose how we live out our life from then on is up to us to decide. What we eat, where we live, what we drive, what house we live in. even the job we can choose. Some people just does not make the right choices and live out there lives in self-destruct mode. Then they wonder why all these things are happening to them. Well all the choices they made throughout life have now all come to bit them. If you go down the road at 100 miles per hour sooner or later, you will hit a wall and die. But if you go 25 MPH you will have time to avoid the wall. It is up to all of us to decide how we want to live out our lives and provide the many things we not only want but need. Then to feed our bodies what our body needs not what we always want to eat that is not good for us. To drink pure water, eat good food and even get a job we like to do. Then live within our means and pay for what we want instead of charging for it and pay for it later that sometimes never happens.

Then the last thing is to get saved so when we do die we will end up in heaven where we come from in the first place. We are spiritual beings having an earthly existence and when the time comes if you have not already made that choice then when you stand before GOD and he says. Repent or cease to exist. What will you say?

  1. The point to life is to help others that need help to provide the many things that is needed with each family. To raise your children the best way you can and help others when you can. To teach your children the way of this world and of the kingdom of heaven where we come from. Then have them teach there children about everything you taught them.
  2. The big circle of life within each planet.
  3. Complaining all the time.

So when we complain do we change what we are complaining about or do we choose something else to take it’s place?

  1. what child do you like more? Then dad said which hand do you love more? I said both. Then he said you love all your children the same but if one needs more help then the others then you help that child.
  2. The more you read and learn soon you have learned enough so it becomes wisdom. so if someone askes you a question you can answer it. the more we have learned the problems we can solve. the more problems you can solve the you are worth to any company that hires you.
  3. we have to learn to let go of the past so we can live in the present and the future that we have created.
  4. no matter the color of your skin remember one thing. It is be a man and or a woman first and stand up for what is right within your own mind. Do not make excuses to make yourself look better than it really is. no matter what be a man or a woman and own up to what you have done wrong. for judgement day will come and what do you want written in the book of life of what you have done over the years. Stand UP.
  5. You can choose to complain or you can also not choose to complain and get back to work.
  6. Which child do you love more like which hand do you love more.
  7. There is a difference when sitting with sinners and being one.
  8. some people need a small camel and a big needle.
  9. will all send and down live comes down to what do you want out of life.



The Point To Life

NO matter what you learn always remember this: we must separate earthly things from spiritual things. It is time to even separate Jesus’ earthly life with what he taught. Most of the bible is about what he did not what he taught. So we have to continue to separate the earthly things from the spiritual things.

 Salvation is a free gift of GOD to man so when man dieth that he will have a place to live out eternity with GOD. For there is no hell as it is taught here on earth. We have a choice if unsaved when we stand before GOD after we have died. Earther we choose to believe that GOD is real and to serve him or cease to exist.

GOD gave us choices within our free will. IF not, we would become like robots and just do his will. So, we have to decide what we want and over time we have to choose heaven or cease to exist. It is our choice.

There is nothing like having GOD who lives within us than not have him live within us. For the only way you will ever know that GOD exists is when you  get saved. For that is the time that you know GOD is real because now GOD lives within us. Within our lifetime we will have to make that choice. Everyone WILL.

Minister John Ruland


Jesus Counsels Regarding Women

And then, in bidding him farewell, Jesus said: "My brother, always remember that man has no rightful authority over woman unless the woman has willingly and voluntarily given him such authority. Your wife has engaged to go through life with you, to help you fight its battles, and to assume the far greater share of the burden of bearing and rearing your children; and in return for this special service it is only fair that she receive from you that special protection which man can give to woman as the partner who must carry, bear, and nurture the children. The loving care and consideration which a man is willing to bestow upon his wife and their children are the measure of that man's attainment of the higher levels of creative and spiritual self-consciousness. Do you not know that men and women are partners with God in that they co-operate to create beings who grow up to possess themselves of the potential of immortal souls? The Father in heaven treats the Spirit Mother of the children of the universe as one equal to himself. It is Godlike to share your life and all that relates thereto on equal terms with the mother partner who so fully shares with you that divine experience of reproducing yourselves in the lives of your children. If you can only love your children as God loves you, you will love and cherish your wife as the Father in heaven honors and exalts the Infinite Spirit, the mother of all the spirit children of a vast universe." ~ The Urantia Book, (133:2.2)