Book 4 Our Safe Zone

Church Home one world Gender Identity The Holy Condition A new way of thinking about life God mean to me Hell in the Urantia book Things to Remember Mark of the beast Newsletter Subscription There are only two genders About Favorite Links Your Candle Tribal Attributes Three Stages of Marriage Earthly Life Separate Family Life Some new thoughts New Ways Your Life Atheist Earthly Experience Book 1-What to Teach Book 2-Change Your Mind Book 3-Basic Info Book 4-Our Safe Zone Book 5-Children Book 6-Information Book 7 Culture Things we should understand Kids turn 16 LIFE ONE Religion The MARK Questions to ask What we need to know Things to Remember Unconditional Love THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH Sermon The Free Gift I do not want to share 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening Before Death BASIC CONCEPTS OF UB

 Our Earthly Experience and what our Parents did not Teach us.

Book 4.

Our Safe Zone

By John Ruland III

© Dec, 5 2018


Our earthly experience Book 4

Chapter 1: Safe Zones within our life. 3

Chapter 2: What is sin? 5

Chapter 3: The worlds we live in. 6

Chapter 4: Free Will. 9

Chapter 5: Friendship. 10

Chapter 6: Love. 11

Chapter 7: as children. 13

Chapter 8: as an adult. 13

Chapter 9: as parents. 14

Chapter 10: Our culture within us.14

Chapter 11: Things we should understand. 18

Chapter 12: Salvation 21



Chapter 1: Safe Zones within our life

I am talking about all the safe zones that we tend to get ourselves into:

One: Our Job

Two: Marriage

Three: Daily Choices

Four: Religion

Five: We become set in our ways


ONE: Our Job

We get up and get ready to go to work and then when we get to work we clock in and do the things that our job requires of us and then we go home and do the things we like to do when we get home. But there are somethings that needs to be done no one likes but it has to be done anyway for if you do not do it then it seems like it will not get done. Like take our the trash that is one thing that has to be done all the time or the home will start to smell badly.

Over the course of weeks and even months we do the same thing from day today. Not much changes unless there is something that happened like you got fired, someone in the family is sick and all the things that every family goes through the years.

TWO: Marriage

When we get married we tend to go about life just assuming that the person we married will always be there for us because we have married our best friend in the world. But if we do not do things together all the time we tend to see life differently and grow apart.

We just become set in our ways and most of the time we overlook the little things that really matter sometimes. So pay attenuation to the small things. Like dinner just the two of you, candy once in a while, and even flowers.

Do somethings that your spouse would like to do once in while like go shopping at the mall and get lunch and just walk around and just enjoy each other company.

Three: Daily Choices

As we go through out our lives we make choices every day and the choices we make determines where we will be at in the future. Then over time we tend to make the same choices over and over again. We get comfortable within our life. We go down the same path every day because we know it is safe there. So when change does come it sometimes changes our comfort zone that we just break down and cry. I think everyone should have a good cry once in a while because it relieves all the stress within us.

Over time we become set in our ways for that comfort zone is our safe zone and we tend not to change things unless something really happens that takes us out of a safe zone. Then we have to learn to do things every day that takes us out of our comfort zone so over time we can overcome that life has in store for each day.

Four: Religion

Within our religion we seen to go to church, and sit and learn what the preacher has to say and then we go home and go about all the things that has to be done around the house and other things we like to do.

We tend to never learn or explore different teachings than the ones that we go to every week. We get comfort with what we know and even how we live from day today. We get comfort within our life and our religion. I have had some even say that they are comfort within their lives and religion for what they have come to know is just enough for them to handle and do.

They said that they were comfort with what they know and how they live. So what happens when someone comes a long and tells them things way beyond there comprehension and or knowledge and everything they said was true but to belief something new would take them out of there comfort zone and they will just not do it. For they have a safe zone and will not come out of there zone. That is why even some divorces happen is because neither one will change the way they think and behave so there is no compromise and so there is a divorce.

Five: We become set in our ways

Sometimes we are so set in our ways there is no changing us. We do the same things day and day out and never change what we do from day today. If some asks you do this and if it is something that you are not used to doing. Then if you do not get help you very well could do it wrong and then have to do it all over again with help.

It is always better to ask for help before you do it than after. For some reason there are so many people out there that cause problems at work for it seems they want to change the way the company is run so it will make them happy. But when change comes then they are not happen because it changed.

Remember one thing the next time you go to work: The company pays you do a job and they want the job done the way they want it done because they pay you to do it that way. For if you start to complain about what you are doing they can replace you with a better robot. We all tend to become the company’s robot and just do as we are told because some day a real robot could take over the job you have and then you will not even have a job to go too. So do the best you can and when you need help go to your boss for that is why the boss is there to help when there Is a problem within the job you are doing. Otherwise than that do your job and do it the best way you know how. Do not complain for robots do not complain.

Then as you go throughout your life changing with the times and do things that will make it better for the family for if you change your outlook on life, your attitude, even the way you see things you will change your fortune, future, and even your family life. So change is good.


Chapter 2: What is sin?

Are We Just SINNERS?

God does not see us as sinners. God sees us as disobedient children. So God will not punish us as sinners but as disobedient children. God Gives us a way to be obedient children. GOD gives us a choice to follow him or not. That is called free will for we all have this.

For GOD will never do anything that will take away our free will. Like those loved ones to come back and tell us what is real and what to follow. For that would take away our free will. Salvation has always been and all Jesus did was to reveal unto us that always has been, but not taught for the Lucifer rebellion did not want anyone to know that salvation was just a prayer away.

For if we do not repent from our disobedience when the time comes we will just cease to exist. For the term HELL is only a earthly term, not a heavenly one. Now if you do not remember anything but this remember this::::: you have to separate earthly things from spiritual things.

Like when they teach not to watch TV, or have cell phone, Tell you how to live out your life, or anything that has to pertain to life here on the planet earth/Urantia that God calls it.

So this all means when you come before GOD what do you say when GOD says do you love me and I am your father and you are my children who I have created you, do you believe that I exist?  What do you say?

Then if not will you repent from your ways and get saved from your disobedience and live with me forever and ever. For if not you will cease to exist. What will you do when this happens when you wake up from death and find yourself in front of GOD?

Chapter 3: The Worlds we live in.

The first thing we have to come to understand that we have to separate earthly and spiritual realities.

1: Heaven = Is where go is. Where we live within God. This is why he can take care of us is because we live within him.

2: Earth: God calls Urantia means a place in space

3: Spiritual World: We are Spiritual beings having an earthly experience and Where our personality Resides

4: Unsaved: When we are born and only know what we can see and just wonder where we come from

5: Saved: Once saved GOD himself through the Spirit of Truth comes and lives within us.


1: our Heavenly Realm

Everyone seems to ask this question where is heaven?

We have to answer this one first. Is heaven a place or state of being, a realm, it is within time, or is it without time.

The thing now is which one is it? It is all of them. For we live within the confines of GOD himself and once saved GOD will live within us. So heaven is all around us and then can be within us.

Our earthly bodies are not holy or divine. Our soul is holy but if not saved it is not divine, once saved our soul will be divine.

Holy means to never have done anything wrong. Divine means to be immortal. Same as Jesus was, he was neither holy or divine but his spirit once he got baptized, his soul was divine that is soul become immortal.

 Now because we live within god himself (heaven) and once saved that means that the holy spirit (spirit of truth) comes and lives within us really means that a piece of heaven lives within us now.

2: Our Earthly Realm

For we are time creatures of this earth within this earth, confined to his earth for we are not only time creatures, but we are also air breathers. So, to leave this earth we have to have air, water, food, sleep, and gravity so we can walk and get exercise for if we do not our body will fade away and will not be able to even walk over time if we do not have gravity to hold us to the earth so we can exercise all the time. We need gravity to walk and do the thing we need to do each day.

It is very hard to get that out in space unless we bring it with us. Our bodies are flesh and blood and because of this we displace space. Our spiritual soul but what GOD calls our personality does not displace space. Heaven and the earth is like looking into a mirror and see yourself. The body you touch displaces space the image in the mirror does not displace space. Just like earth and heaven.

3: Our Spiritual Realm

Our spirit that lives within us is unseen like heaven that is unseen also. Our soul god calls our personality. Our personality is everything that has to pertain to us. Every aspect of who we are and what we are, where we are, even how we do things all has to do with our personality.

Now our spirit is just that our spirit all we know is what we can see here on earth. We live our daily lives seeing only what is here on earth. For we do not know or even understand beyond what we can see within this earthly realm that we live in.

With choice and our free will determines our future within the confines of this earth. Unless we are showed and or taught what is beyond what we can see we never know what is really out there for us to find beyond our understanding of our life here on earth.

4: Unsaved: When we are born and only know what we can see and just wonder where we come from. The only thing we know is what we are taught as we grow up.  We learn from our parents, school, other people, if we go to church. Then when we go to work we learn about people and all the things that others will do for money.  Even lie, cheat, steal and even some kill. We live in a world  of many unsaved and if this keeps up there be so much turmoil that no matter how many police we hire we can never hire enough to keep the peace. If we follow the rules and obey the laws is because we get saved and want to follow the laws not because we have to.

5: Saved: Once saved GOD himself through the Spirit of Truth comes and lives within us. Now that we have got saved we come to understand that we live within GOD himself and once saved GOD now lives within us. Many things start to church within our lives. For we start to stop doing the many things we used to do and start reading the bible and other books.

We start to teat others differently and everyone that knows see the church within us. Everyone has a different journey once saved. Some mature more quickly than others. This is why Jesus keep telling his disciples that Heaven lives within us once saved and everyone now is on their own journey within their spiritual life. Then as time goes by we start to do things that Jesus did and start preaching the kingdom and get others saved.

Chapter 4: Free Will

God gave us free will so we can choose our life’s path. But within our free will to choose we are not free from the consequences of your choices.

Within the confines of our existence we live within the realm of god himself. So because GOD gives us freewill to choose within those confines we can make our own choices within our own lives.

So some of the choices we make are made within the confines of our knowledge that we live in the confines of this earth that we live in. God gives us choices within the confines of the earth we live on and because there is confines within our life therefor the daily choices we make determines our future.

We are time will creatures and over time we will age and die and once death comes if we have listened to God our creator and got saved we then will have everlasting life. Some say because we have to make choices within our lives that our free will is taken away from us. That is not the case we have chosen within our free will within the confines of our time line we have changed the way we live and even what we eat and where we live. If we had followed god’s ways then within that time line we would have made the right choices and would have not been confined by the choices we had made. Once we get saved our future, outlook on life, our fortune, even our relationships will change.

God loves us and wants the best for us and once saved we will want to follow his rules.  Then within our world we will be rewarded for our faithfulness but if not many things that would have been given to us is not given to us because of our rebellion.

Once we get saved we will want to follow GODs ways and we will sin less and less. Sin means that we rebel against GOD and what he teaches. Once saved over time we will sin less and less.

For we will want to do his work for our meaning of life has changed so will our fortune, our job, even our outlook on life. We start to treat others better and just about everything within our life will change.

Some say that God has planned out our whole lives and we call it predestination. For our lives are already planned out so no matter what we do all our lives we end up in the same place. That is not the case for through our free will to choose our destination in the future and through our choices will determine many things that happen within the future in our lives. Where we live, who we marred, the children we have, even our health all determine what choices we made throughout our lives.

God meant when he said everything has predestination within time itself.

God meant that within all the planets, solar systems, plants will stay the same for I have setup predestination for all things to stay the same.

Life within the plants determines their own free will to choose so this means that they all have the right to live out their lives with a different future because of choice and there free will to choose.

Predestination: We tend to see things with an earthly outlook we cannot see beyond what we can see within this world. So when someone says our life is predestined and no matter what we do we will end up in the same place.

If that was true then we would end up in the same house, on the same street, doing the same job and eating all the same foods. But we all cannot live in the same house even let alone everything else. So within our free will to choose determines our future.

Chapter 5: Friendship

Friendship is on of the most important aspects of human life. For everyone has friends but close friends for most of us we do not have. We know a lot of people, but we would not consider them friends for we do not see them very much.

A good friend we see all the time and even on a daily basis. As we go through out our lives, we will know many people and even work with some we can get a long with but not really friends but someone from work or other place we go too.

When we are young when we find someone that we like and then start to see a lot and then we become friends with them and later on date. We tend to assume that they will always be there for us later on in life. If we do not make an effort to stay friends and do things together soon, we will grow apart over time.

To stay friends, you have to keep going out on a date at least 3 to 4 times a week just the two of you will not one else, just the both of you. This way you can catch up on all the news and just sit and talk. Even if it to talk about a new tv show just talk to each other about something.

Then go someplace and sit and eat and just talk. This is your night for doing nothing and just to be together and do thing together. Even see a movie, go for a walk on the beach, walk in the park. Even go to the mall and just look around. But do something together.

Even all week long take time and give each other a hug for the sake of doing it. We all tend to go through life and over look somethings for it seems we do not have the time, or we do not take the time to do some of the things that really need to be done with each other or other things that need to be done. Friends outside of your home will come and go and even sometimes relatives will come and go with marriages within the family or even a divorce. The relatives will change over time. Remember one thing always is that your spouse is your best friend so if you need sometime or just need someone to talk to they are there. SO as you go throughout your life do not do anything against your best friend for when you get old your money will be gone, your looks will be gone but your best friend will still be there if you stay friends all those years. Keep date night no matter what. Even if it later at night still go.

Chapter 6: Love

He word love has many meanings to some of us for we use the word but do not know what it really means.

The Dictionary has and good explanation: intense feeling of deep affection

Friend: someone you know

Friendship: someone see all the time

When your friendship turns into an intense feeling of deep affection, we call love.

When we have children our love for them becomes unconditional deep affection for them.

We love our children with unconditional love.

We should love our spouse with unconditional love for they are your best friend in the world. So you should love them no matter what they do. All you have to do is change the way they think to change the way they see things. If your spouse drinks a lot. Say would you like to have some coffee now. Even though they ask for a beer give them milk and say you have to drink this first if you are going to drink all that beer you need something to drink other than that. If they say all they want is a beer, then say is that all you are going to drink today? If they say yes. Then ok if you are going to drink all the beer then I want you to take out the trash, wash the dishes and then you can have another beer. I need your help around here and here is a something to eat too. Too much beer is not good for you. You have to eat and eat a banana once a day. I want you to be around a long long time so you will have to eat at least once a day.

To change their mind you will change the way they think. So try to get them to do something different than what they are doing now. Like children you can do this rather easy for if they are doing something you do not like take them into a different room and get them to do something different. Like pick up their toys. Or show them how to put all their toys in a row and then have one come up and talk to the other one. Or trucks make a road for them to go on. Put down blocks to make a road. Then have the truck go down the road. Then park and load the truck and take it some place and unload it and then load it again with different blocks. Soon they will for got about everything they were doing in the other room. We used to put all the toys under the kitchen sink and other draws so when the kids got into them all they found was toys.

To change their mind, you change the way they do things. You can do that with anyone even grownups. Just give them something else to do and then when they get done give them something else to do. You can keep them busy for a while and then say ok play on your phone for a hour and then I want you to do this. It breaks up the day. Then tell them 1 hour on phone. Computer and one hour of walking or cleaning the house. Your mind needs exercise and so does your body.


Chapter 7: As Children

As we grow up we tend to play computer games, party with our friends, sleep and eat, and then play more games. As children we like to do those things because we live at home and we do not realize that your parents pay all the bills and provides all the things we need growing up. Once we get old enough, we tend to want more and more of the things of this world and sometimes our parents can not provide those things. So, we then say ok how can I get the things I want. I will go and get a job. But little do we know that we have started the grow up process.

Chapter 8: As adults

Once we inter the work force and make our own money then over time we come to realize that once we are out on our own sometimes we do not have the time to play computer games much. We have to work, sleep, and go do things when we have time off to pay the bills, shopping and then come home and take care of everything we had gotten. Then make dinner as if we live alone we have to do everything within the house.

Once we have come to the conclusion that it is time to put away the game system and start to learn more about the job you have or go back to school to get a better job. But no matter how long you go to school you will never learn how to make money the right way.

I will tell you this right now do not work for money make money work for you.

This means start a company and have people work for you to make you money that you did not work for. They did all the work and you got paid for them working.

Then all the money you make put back into the business to grow your business to where you want it to be. Then maintain the company and grow it little by little even though you do not want to get any bigger. Sell all kinds of different stuff that you can make within your own factory. Like wright books, make books, printing company, make and sell products that you make. Then buy houses and rent them out. Invest and once you have an income past what you spend over time you will become rich.


Chapter 9: As Parents

Sometimes we have just enough money to pay the bills, and most of everything else in our life. If anything extra is need then we just have to go without what was needed.

My main point is that as we grow up we go through stages and if we just do not grow out one stage and into another we tend to stay in that stage until something happens that makes us realize that we now have to go to the next stage. From a child to an adult, then a parent. From childhood to being a adult we have to put childish things away like playing games on a game system or even on the phone. Once in a while is ok but not all day long every day.

Then from an adult to a parent is the transformation from selfishness to giving not only of yourself but off all your money too. For once you have a family to take care of there will not be much money to buy toys any longer. That is unless you can make enough money to buy toys. Then you know that life is not fair, children are a hand full, and sometimes dealing with others including family can be a challenge. So think before you do and make money work for you and do not work for money, say it again make money work for you. When you own your own business you will make money even if you are not there. That is making money work for you. Now if you a job and work for someone then you are working for money.



Chapter 10: Our culture within us

Where we grow up determines our way of life, our culture, our looks, our mind set, our religion if there is one. Our way of life in reality we get 80% of all our learning from our parents. If we do not like some people just because of their looks and even there way of life was learned by our parents.

This means that no matter what we learn in school we have our culture built in at home. So what comes out within the school is our view point that we have learned from our parents. This even means what religion to follow if there is even one that was taught. So when you get into religion within the schools it is very hard to teach each religion and what they believe in within any class.

For some will not want to learn about a new religion for they are set in there ways and will only study their religion only. Within all the churches we seem to be like the children in school we tend to not listen to something new for most of us are comfortable within our religion. To learn new things and different ways of doing things we just do not want to hear it.

It is like when Jesus went to all the villages within he could walk to he taught and they could not understand what he was talking about or drove him out of the village for he was teaching one unseen GOD and they were making idols to sell. If he converted them to his religion they would be put out of business. They thought anyway.

Even in Jesus’s time he had a hard time with the Jews for they were set in there ways. Within the church sacrifice was the big thing. For the sale of the animals for sacrifice the money went to the church. So they did not anyone or anything stand in the way of how they made money. Even after Jesus died on the cross they did not believe that Jesus was the messiah that would save the world from sin.

So to this day the Jews do not teach the New Testament within any church. They only teach the Old Testament for they still believe that Jesus was not the messiah. So within all the religions who is right? Do we know what they teach is the truth? How do we know what the truth is? Who is GOD and where does he live? Why are we here? What is sin? Where did earth come from? There are so many questions that no religion here on earth can answer because:

Satan did not want us to know the real truth so he lied to us for so many years that what we was taught was the truth to us but in reality it was not. Something that Satan thought up and told everyone that was the truth. So we believed what we was told.

Now what was really interesting was the creation of the bible within the kingdom of King James. He got together all the church leaders from as many churches he could and had them all come to the castle and create a bible so they would all have something to teach within all the churches within the kingdom and beyond.

Then they tried to figure out what to put for the first story and then the second and so on. So that means that some of the books within the bible are just stores and never did happen but it fills in gaps of years past. So do we really know how many stories really did happen back then? Or were they just a story put in there to fill the timeline gap.

When the King James did this he gave all the churches something to teach and teach the same thing within all the churches of the kingdom. So now they had something they could print and give out to everyone and then they could follow along now when it came to reading out of the bible. Whether or not all the stories were true or not they had something to teach.

Now you really have to realize that all the disciples were Jews and were brought up within the Jewish Church. This is why Jesus had so much of a hard time to get them to learn what he was teaching. Once saved the Kingdom of God lives within us. He kept telling them that but they just could not understand that a kingdom can live within us.

We have to learn to separate earthly things from spiritual things. Jesus kept trying to tell them that but it just went over their heads. The salvation part they seem to get when they preached salvation many got saved. But beyond that they were in trouble for most of them could not remember what Jesus taught them for some did not even pay attention to what he was saying.

There was one point that Jesus keep telling them was not to wright anything down but over time they had to so they would remember what Jesus taught the disciples. So they started weighting down what the disciples preached and used the sermon to go out and teach what he taught.

But Jesus keep telling them not to wright anything down for he was afraid that they would worship the bible they created instead of GOD. Many back then tended to worship things they could see like an Idol of something. So back then the disciples had a very hard time to teach let alone stay long enough within some villages to even preach much before they got drove out.

Now let’s get back to the culture within us. For what we was told, taught in school about history, about religion if any, is all we know because we was taught as we grow up. So to change that would be almost impossible to do within their life time. Now if everyone had an open mind and want to learn new things you can teach them the real truth about everything that is on this earth and beyond even the galaxies.

I guess the best place to start is with Satan for everyone knows who Satan is from the bible but who knows who Lucifer is? OK now Satan is Lucifer’s general. For Lucifer had many generals within his domain. So we have been lied to from the beginning of the earth. So all life here on earth does not know the truth of everything for Satan did not want us to know who God is and even where he is. Let alone about all the other things that was lies or half-truths. Now if you want to learn about everything that you were never told about GOD and the earth and even the timeline of when the earth come into existence. The where we really come from and who really is our earthly mother and father.

The timeline of Joseph and Mary and even when Jesus was born and died on the cross. Even why he Died on the cross.

There are so many things that you can learn if you want to. Can you get and or think beyond our earthly culture?

If you can go to Read the forward and then go to Paper 119 and read from there on. Check out the website too. Happy Reading



Chapter 11. Things we should understand.

These are the most important things that we have to learn and understand:

We must separate earthly things from spiritual things

What is Earthly is of this earth. Spiritual things are of heaven.

We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience

So remember that we must separate earthy things from spiritual things anything that is from this earth does not have a soul except humans. We are a spiritual being having an earthly experience.

The real reason we are here:

In reality we are all angels that need rehab when we do things wrong like be part of the Lucifer rebellion and now we need rehab and once this happens we are given the choice to go to rehab or cease to exist. Most choose to go to rehab. Earth/Urantia is one of the plants angels go for rehab. We are born of this earth with a blank slate and we learn over time what everything on this earth is and if we get to become saved we now can understand what is needed to get to heaven and stay there. For if we reject everything here on earth and once we stand before GOD then and only then he will say do you believe that I exist and will you follow my teaching? For we all have choice within our lives. GOD will never do anything to us or help us within our lives because of choice. GOD will give us many choices within life and we have to choose them for ourselves. Yes GOD can do anything but we have to choose to accept what is given to us. So we have to choose what we do throughout our lives. Our path within our life is what choices we make throughout our lives determine where we end up when we get old. So remember that we are angels from heaven that need to have rehab and once saved we now have heaven within us.


There is one thing that everyone should understand that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. This also means that no matter what we do on this earth we are spiritually GODS CHILDREN.

SO weather or not we know it or not we are not from this earth. We are beings created by GOD within his mind and we become flesh on this earth born as children for us to have the spiritual earthly experience.

So when someone says that within any animal has a soul is wrong for including the animals, and everything else within this earth is of this earth and has nothing to do with heaven where we come from. So we are the only beings that have what we call a soul but what GOD calls a personality.

Everything within this earth was what GOD infused DNA within everything within this earth. With Evolution all GOD had to do what introduce new DNA within the animals so over time Humans would come about. This is why we cannot find DNA evidence of our for fathers for there was none. Just infused DNA within the female that produced new of spring.

Then the reason things are the way they are Lucifer wanted to be worshiped so he went on a quest to be the center of everyone's worship. Even though GOD was the creator of everything and even the creator of Lucifer he did not care for it was more important to him that he be the center of everyone's worship. So he set out to get everyone he could to follow what he wanted and for everyone to do things his way even if he had to lie to get what he wanted done. So over time he lied to so many that they though what he said was of GOD and they started to follow what he said and that is when things started to happen here on earth and 37 other planets within this realm of authority. This is why we have so many different languages, and different religions within this whole earth. Even different governments and they way things are done because the more he confused everyone the better he like it. For if they did not worship him they would worship things of this earth.

What matters most is that what we look like from the outside everyone sees and we are all the same, our culture is outward appearance and what makes us a person is our personality.

SO what is within us comes out our mouth and how we act.

There is a big difference between unsaved and saved. For with GOD within us or not within us determines what comes out of our mouth.

God created an image within his mind and then it became matter

One of the preachers said I am comfortable within my religion, so I do not want to know any more

John 16:13 Spirit of truth

The Fatherhood of God

"Jesus made the care of God for man like the solicitude of a loving father ... and then made this teaching the cornerstone of his religion. And thus did the doctrine of the fatherhood of God make imperative the practice of the brotherhood of man."

  159:5.7 (1769.9)

Problem 1: "If God is the Father of all men, all men are brethren; and there can be but one law for home and school and shop and factory and market and court and legislative hall. One child of the common Father can not enslave another nor exploit another; the strong and the fortunate and the wise can not take advantage of the weak and the crippled and the ignorant, and enrich themselves by spoiling their neighbors; each must care for the welfare of all, and all must minister to the good of each.

This is the law of brotherhood which directly follows from Christ’s doctrine of Fatherhood, and which is beginning to be seriously considered, all over the world, as the only solution of the problems of society." 159:5.7

Problem 2: 196:2.6 Jesus founded the religion of personal experience in doing the will of God and serving the human brotherhood; Paul founded a religion in which the glorified Jesus became the object of worship and the brotherhood consisted of fellow believers in the divine Christ. In the bestowal of Jesus these two concepts were potential in his divine-human life, and it is indeed a pity that his followers failed to create a unified religion which might have given proper recognition to both the human and the divine natures of the Master as they were inseparably bound up in his earth life and so gloriously set forth in the original gospel of the kingdom.

196:3.17 (2095.1) Moral evaluation with a religious meaning—spiritual insight—connotes the individual’s choice between good and evil, truth and error, material and spiritual, human and divine, time and eternity. Human survival is in great measure dependent on consecrating the human will to the choosing of those values selected by this spirit-value sorter—the indwelling interpreter and unifier. Personal religious experience consists in two phases: discovery in the human mind and revelation by the indwelling divine spirit. Through over sophistication or as a result of the irreligious conduct of professed religionists, a man, or even a generation of men, may elect to suspend their efforts to discover the God who indwells them; they may fail to progress in and attain the divine revelation. But such attitudes of spiritual nonprogression cannot long persist because of the presence and influence of the indwelling Thought Adjusters.

196:3.18 (2095.2) This profound experience of the reality of the divine indwelling forever transcends the crude materialistic technique of the physical sciences. You cannot put spiritual joy under a microscope; you cannot weigh love in a balance; you cannot measure moral values; neither can you estimate the quality of spiritual worship.

196:3.19 (2095.3) The Hebrews had a religion of moral sublimity; the Greeks evolved a religion of beauty; Paul and his conferees founded a religion of faith, hope, and charity.

Jesus revealed and exemplified a religion of love: security in the Father’s love, with joy and satisfaction consequent upon sharing this love in the service of the human brotherhood.

196:3.20 (2095.4) Every time man makes a reflective moral choice, he immediately experiences a new divine invasion of his soul. Moral choosing constitutes religion as the motive of inner response to outer conditions. But such a real religion is not a purely subjective experience. It signifies the whole of the subjectivity of the individual engaged in a meaningful and intelligent response to total objectivity—the universe and its Maker.

"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."

 “Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!” 

If your religion does not change you change your religion.

 Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself we then realize once saved God can now live within us.




The Certainty of Salvation

Jesus lived and died for a whole universe, not just for the races of this one world. While the mortals of the realms had salvation even before Jesus lived and died on Urantia, it is nevertheless a fact that his bestowal on this world greatly illuminated the way of salvation; his death did much to make forever plain the certainty of mortal survival after death in the flesh.


Though it is hardly proper to speak of Jesus as a sacrificer, aransomer, or a redeemer, it is wholly correct to refer to him as a savior. He forever made the way of salvation (survival) more clear and certain; he did better and more surely show the way of salvation for all the mortals of all the worlds of the universe of Nebadon. ~ The Urantia Book, (188:4.6)

This entire idea of the ransom of the atonement places salvation upon a plane of unreality; such a concept is purely philosophic. Human salvation is real; it is based on two realities which may be grasped by the creature's faith and thereby become incorporated into individual human experience: the fact of the fatherhood of God and its correlated truth, the brotherhood of man. It is true, after all, that you are to be "forgiven your debts, even as you forgive your debtors." ~ The Urantia Book, (188:4.13)

The cross forever shows that the attitude of Jesus toward sinners was neither condemnation nor condonation, but rather eternal and loving salvation. Jesus is truly a savior in the sense that his life and death do win men over to goodness and righteous survival. Jesus loves men so much that his love awakens the response of love in the human heart. Love is truly contagious and eternally creative. Jesus' death on the cross exemplifies a love which is sufficiently strong and divine to forgive sin and swallow up all evil-doing. Jesus disclosed to this world a higher quality of righteousness than justice — mere technical right and wrong. Divine love does not merely forgive wrongs; it absorbs and actually destroys them. The forgiveness of love utterly transcends the forgiveness of mercy.

Mercy sets the guilt of evil-doing to one side; but love destroys forever the sin and all weakness resulting therefrom. Jesus brought a new method of living to Urantia. He taught us not to resist evil but to find through him a goodness which effectually destroys evil. The forgiveness of Jesus is not condonation; it is salvation from condemnation. Salvation does not slight wrongs; it makes them right. True love does not compromise nor condone hate; it destroys it. The love of Jesus is never satisfied with mere forgiveness. The Master's love implies rehabilitation, eternal survival. It is altogether proper to speak of salvation as redemption if you mean this eternal rehabilitation. ~ The Urantia Book, (188:5.2)


Faith and Salvation

The salvation of God for the mortals of Urantia would have been just as effective and unerringly certain if Jesus had not been put to death by the cruel hands of ignorant mortals. If the Master had been favorably received by the mortals of earth and had departed from Urantia by the voluntary relinquishment of his life in the flesh, the fact of the love of God and the mercy of the Son — the fact of sonship with God — would have in no wise been affected. You mortals are the sons of God, and only one thing is required to make such a truth factual in your personal experience, and that is your spirit-born faith ~ The Urantia Book, (186:5.9)

Reason, Science and Salvation

Reason, through the study of science, may lead back through nature to a First Cause, but it requires religious faith to transform the First Cause of science into a God of salvation; and revelation is further required for the validation of such a faith, such spiritual insight. ~ The Urantia Book, (101:2.3)

Science ends its reason-search in the hypothesis of a First Cause. Religion does not stop in its flight of faith until it is sure of a God of salvation. The discriminating study of science logically suggests the reality and existence of an Absolute. Religion believes unreservedly in the existence and reality of a God who fosters personality survival. What metaphysics fails utterly in doing, and what even philosophy fails partially in doing, revelation does; that is, affirms that this First Cause of science and religion's God of salvation are one and the same Deity. ~ The Urantia Book, (101:2.7)

Religion and Salvation

Your deepest nature — the divine Adjuster — creates within you a hunger and thirst for righteousness, a certain craving for divine perfection. Religion is the faith act of the recognition of this inner urge to divine attainment; and thus is brought about that soul trust and assurance of which you become conscious as the way of salvation, the technique of the survival of personality and all those values which you have come to look upon as being true and good. ~ The Urantia Book, (101:2.14)

The teachings of Jesus constituted the first Urantian religion which so fully embraced a harmonious co-ordination of knowledge, wisdom, faith, truth, and love as completely and simultaneously to provide temporal tranquillity, intellectual certainty, moral enlightenment, philosophic stability, ethical sensitivity, God-consciousness, and the positive assurance of personal survival. The faith of Jesus pointed the way to finality of human salvation, to the ultimate of mortal universe attainment, since it provided for:

Salvation from material fetters in the personal realization of sonship with God, who is spirit.

Salvation from intellectual bondage: man shall know the truth, and the truth shall set him free.

Salvation from spiritual blindness, the human realization of the fraternity of mortal beings and the morontian awareness of the brotherhood of all universe creatures; the service-discovery of spiritual reality and the ministry-revelation of the goodness of spirit values.

Salvation from incompleteness of self through the attainment of the spirit levels of the universe and through the eventual realization of the harmony of Havona and the perfection of Paradise.

Salvation from self, deliverance from the limitations of self-consciousness through the attainment of the cosmic levels of the Supreme mind and by co-ordination with the attainments of all other self-conscious beings.

Salvation from time, the achievement of an eternal life of unending progression in God-recognition and God-service.

Salvation from the finite, the perfected oneness with Deity in and through the Supreme by which the creature attempts the transcendental discovery of the Ultimate on the postfinaliter levels of the absonite.

Such a sevenfold salvation is the equivalent of the completeness and perfection of the realization of the ultimate experience of the Universal Father. And all this, in potential, is contained within the reality of the faith of the human experience of religion.

And it can be so contained since the faith of Jesus was nourished by, and was revelatory of, even realities beyond the ultimate; the faith of Jesus approached the status of a universe absolute in so far as such is possible of manifestation in the evolving cosmos of time and space. ~ The Urantia Book, (101:6.8)

Faith becomes the connection between moral consciousness and the spiritual concept of enduring reality. Religion becomes the avenue of man's escape from the material limitations of the temporal and natural world to the supernal realities of the eternal and spiritual world by and through the technique of salvation, the progressive morontia transformation. ~ The Urantia Book, (101:9.9)

True salvation is the technique of the divine evolution of the mortal mind from matter identification through the realms of morontia liaison to the high universe status of spiritual correlation. ~ The Urantia Book, (103:7.2)

Christianity presented a religion which grappled with final solutions of the human problem, for it not only offered salvation from sorrow and even from death, but it also promised deliverance from sin followed by the endowment of a righteous character of eternal survival qualities. ~ The Urantia Book, (121:5.15)

Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father's will, to find God and to become like him. There is never conflict between true knowledge and truth.

There may be conflict between knowledge and human beliefs, beliefs colored with prejudice, distorted by fear, and dominated by the dread of facing new facts of material discovery or spiritual progress. ~ The Urantia Book, (132:3.4)

Ancient man only attained consciousness of favor with God through sacrifice. Modern man must develop new techniques of achieving the self- consciousness of salvation. The consciousness of sin persists in the mortal mind, but the thought patterns of salvation therefrom have become outworn and antiquated.

The reality of the spiritual need persists, but intellectual progress has destroyed the olden ways of securing peace and consolation for mind and soul. ~ The Urantia Book, (89:10.1)

All Religions Teach Salvation

All religions teach the worship of Deity and some doctrine of human salvation. The Buddhist religion promises salvation from suffering, unending peace; the Jewish religion promises salvation from difficulties, prosperity predicated on righteousness; the Greek religion promised salvation from disharmony, ugliness, by the realization of beauty; Christianity promises salvation from sin, sanctity; Mohammedanism provides deliverance from the rigorous moral standards of Judaism and Christianity. The religion of Jesus is salvation from self, deliverance from the evils of creature isolation in time and in eternity. ~ The Urantia Book, (5:4.5)

The Salem Religion (Melchizedek)

The ceremonies of the Salem worship were very simple. Every person who signed or marked the clay-tablet rolls of the Melchizedek church committed to memory, and subscribed to, the following belief:

I believe in El Elyon, the Most High God, the only Universal Father and Creator of all things.

I accept the Melchizedek covenant with the Most High, which bestows the favor of God on my faith, not on sacrifices and burnt offerings.

I promise to obey the seven commandments of Melchizedek and to tell the good news of this covenant with the Most High to all men.

And that was the whole of the creed of the Salem colony. But even such a short and simple declaration of faith was altogether too much and too advanced for the men of those days. They simply could not grasp the idea of getting divine favor for nothing — by faith. They were too deeply confirmed in the belief that man was born under forfeit to the gods. Too long and too earnestly had they sacrificed and made gifts to the priests to be able to comprehend the good news that salvation, divine favor, was a free gift to all who would believe in the Melchizedek covenant. But Abraham did believe halfheartedly, and even that was "counted for righteousness."

The seven commandments promulgated by Melchizedek were patterned along the lines of the ancient Dalamatian supreme law and very much resembled the seven commands taught in the first and second Edens. These commands of the Salem religion were:

You shall not serve any God but the Most High Creator of heaven and earth.

You shall not doubt that faith is the only requirement for eternal salvation.

You shall not bear false witness.

You shall not kill.

You shall not steal.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not show disrespect for your parents and elders. ~ The Urantia Book, (93:4.1)

Salvation and The Melchizedek Teachings

This covenant of Melchizedek with Abraham represents the great Urantian agreement between divinity and humanity whereby God agrees to do everything; man only agrees to believe God's promises and follow his instructions. Heretofore it had been believed that salvation could be secured only by works — sacrifices and offerings; now, Melchizedek again brought to Urantia the good news that salvation, favor with God, is to be had by faith. But this gospel of simple faith in God was too advanced; the Semitic tribesmen subsequently preferred to go back to the older sacrifices and atonement for sin by the shedding of blood. ~ The Urantia Book, (93:6.4)


 The Salem missionaries preached the one God of Melchizedek, the Most High of heaven. This portrayal was not altogether disharmonious with the emerging concept of the Father-Brahma as the source of all gods, but the Salem doctrine was nonritualistic and hence ran directly counter to the dogmas, traditions, and teachings of the Brahman priesthood. Never would the Brahman priests accept the Salem teaching of salvation through faith, favor with God apart from ritualistic observances and sacrificial ceremonials.

The rejection of the Melchizedek gospel of trust in God and salvation through faith marked a vital turning point for India. The Salem missionaries had contributed much to the loss of faith in all the ancient Vedic gods, but the leaders, the priests of Vedism, refused to accept the Melchizedek teaching of one God and one simple faith. ~ The Urantia Book, (94:1.5)

Jesus and Salvation

The Master was always generous. He never grew weary of saying, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Said he, "Freely you have received, freely give." And yet, with all of his unbounded generosity, he was never wasteful or extravagant. He taught that you must believe to receive salvation. "For every one who seeks shall receive." ~ The Urantia Book, (100:7.10)

To the earnest leader of the Mithraic cult he said: "You do well to seek for a religion of eternal salvation, but you err to go in quest of such a glorious truth among man-made mysteries and human philosophies. Know you not that the mystery of eternal salvation dwells within your own soul? Do you not know that the God of heaven has sent his spirit to live within you, and that this spirit will lead all truth-loving and God-serving mortals out of this life and through the portals of death up to the eternal heights of light where God waits to receive his children? And never forget: You who know God are the sons of God if you truly yearn to be like him." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (133:4.4)

"The saving or losing of a soul has to do with whether or not the moral consciousness attains survival status through eternal alliance with its associated immortal spirit endowment. Salvation is the spiritualization of the self-realization of the moral consciousness, which thereby becomes possessed of survival value. All forms of soul conflict consist in the lack of harmony between the moral, or spiritual, self- consciousness and the purely intellectual self-consciousness. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (133:6.6)

"This new kingdom is like a seed growing in the good soil of a field. It does not attain full fruit quickly. There is an interval of time between the establishment of the kingdom in the soul of man and that hour when the kingdom ripens into the full fruit of everlasting righteousness and eternal salvation. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (137:8.12)

"Entrance into the Father's kingdom waits not upon marching armies, upon overturned kingdoms of this world, nor upon the breaking of captive yokes. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and all who enter therein shall find abundant liberty and joyous salvation. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (137:8.15)

When I asked you to become as little children as the price of entering the kingdom, I referred not to ease of deception, mere willingness to believe, nor to quickness to trust pleasing strangers. What I did desire that you should gather from the illustration was the child-father relationship. You are the child, and it is your Father's kingdom you seek to enter. There is present that natural affection between every normal child and its father which insures an understanding and loving relationship, and which forever precludes all disposition to bargain for the Father's love and mercy. And the gospel you are going forth to preach has to do with a salvation growing out of the faith-realization of this very and eternal child-father relationship." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (140:10.4)

John asked Jesus, "Master, what is the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus answered: "The kingdom of heaven consists in these three essentials: first, recognition of the fact of the sovereignty of God; second, belief in the truth of sonship with God; and third, faith in the effectiveness of the supreme human desire to do the will of God — to be like God. And this is the good news of the gospel: that by faith every mortal may have all these essentials of salvation." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (140:10.9)


Simon, how many times have I instructed you to refrain from all efforts to take something out of the hearts of those who seek salvation? How often have I told you to labor only to put something into these hungry souls? Lead men into the kingdom, and the great and living truths of the kingdom will presently drive out all serious error. When you have presented to mortal man the good news that God is his Father, you can the easier persuade him that he is in reality a son of God. And having done that, you have brought the light of salvation to the one who sits in darkness. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (141:6.2)

Do not strive with men — always be patient. It is not your kingdom; you are only ambassadors. Simply go forth proclaiming: This is the kingdom of heaven — God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news, if you wholeheartedly believe it, is your eternal salvation." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (141:6.4)

Jesus laid great emphasis upon what he called the two truths of first import in the teachings of the kingdom, and they are: the attainment of salvation by faith, and faith alone, associated with the revolutionary teaching of the attainment of human liberty through the sincere recognition of truth, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." ~ The Urantia Book, (141:7.6)

"Salvation is by the regeneration of the spirit and not by the self-righteous deeds of the flesh. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (143:2.6)

There is a basic law of justice in the universe which mercy is powerless to circumvent. The unselfish glories of Paradise are not possible of reception by a thoroughly selfish creature of the realms of time and space. Even the infinite love of God cannot force the salvation of eternal survival upon any mortal creature who does not choose to survive. Mercy has great latitude of bestowal, but, after all, there are mandates of justice which even love combined with mercy cannot effectively abrogate. ~ The Urantia Book, (146:2.5)

"When men and women ask what shall we do to be saved, you shall answer, Believe this gospel of the kingdom; accept divine forgiveness. By faith recognize the indwelling spirit of God, whose acceptance makes you a son of God. Have you not read in the Scriptures where it says, `In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.' Also where the Father says, `My righteousness is near; my salvation has gone forth, and my arms shall enfold my people.' `My soul shall be joyful in the love of my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation and has covered me with the robe of his righteousness.'

"Salvation is the gift of the Father and is revealed by his Sons. Acceptance by faith on your part makes you a partaker of the divine nature, a son or a daughter of God. By faith you are justified; by faith are you saved; and by this same faith are you eternally advanced in the way of progressive and divine perfection. By faith was Abraham justified and made aware of salvation by the teachings of Melchizedek. All down through the ages has this same faith saved the sons of men, but now has a Son come forth from the Father to make salvation more real and acceptable." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (150:5.2)

"You cannot buy salvation; you cannot earn righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, and righteousness is the natural fruit of the spirit-born life of sonship in the kingdom. You are not to be saved because you live a righteous life; rather is it that you live a righteous life because you have already been saved, have recognized sonship as the gift of God and service in the kingdom as the supreme delight of life on earth. When men believe this gospel, which is a revelation of the goodness of God, they will be led to voluntary repentance of all known sin. Realization of sonship is incompatible with the desire to sin. Kingdom believers hunger for righteousness and thirst for divine perfection." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (150:5.5)

Salvation and the Kingdom

Kingdom believers should possess an implicit faith, a whole-souled belief, in the certain triumph of righteousness. Kingdom builders must be undoubting of the truth of the gospel of eternal salvation. Believers must increasingly learn how to step aside from the rush of lif — escape the harassments of material existenc — while they refresh the soul, inspire the mind, and renew the spirit by worshipful communion. ~ The Urantia Book, (156:5.12)

Are your ideals sufficiently high to insure your eternal salvation while your ideas are so practical as to render you a useful citizen to function on earth in association with your mortal fellows?

 In the spirit, your citizenship is in heaven; in the flesh, you are still citizens of the earth kingdoms. Render to the Caesars the things which are material and to God those which are spiritual. ~ The Urantia Book, (156:5.16)

The God-conscious mortal is certain of salvation; he is unafraid of life; he is honest and consistent. He knows how bravely to endure unavoidable suffering; he is uncomplaining when faced by inescapable hardship. ~ The Urantia Book, (156:5.20)

Salvation and the Narrow Door

"You also have another saying among you, and one that contains much truth: That the way which leads to eternal life is straight and narrow, that the door which leads thereto is likewise narrow so that, of those who seek salvation, few can find entrance through this door. You also have a teaching that the way which leads to destruction is broad, that the entrance thereto is wide, and that there are many who choose to go this way. And this proverb is not without its meaning. But I declare that salvation is first a matter of your personal choosing. Even if the door to the way of life is narrow, it is wide enough to admit all who sincerely seek to enter, for I am that door. And the Son will never refuse entrance to any child of the universe who, by faith, seeks to find the Father through the Son.

"But herein is the danger to all who would postpone their entrance into the kingdom while they continue to pursue the pleasures of immaturity and indulge the satisfactions of selfishness: Having refused to enter the kingdom as a spiritual experience, they may subsequently seek entrance thereto when the glory of the better way becomes revealed in the age to come. And when, therefore, those who spurned the kingdom when I came in the likeness of humanity seek to find an entrance when it is revealed in the likeness of divinity, then will I say to all such selfish ones: I know not whence you are. You had your chance to prepare for this heavenly citizenship, but you refused all such proffers of mercy; you rejected all invitations to come while the door was open. Now, to you who have refused salvation, the door is shut. This door is not open to those who would enter the kingdom for selfish glory. Salvation is not for those who are unwilling to pay the price of wholehearted dedication to doing my Father's will.

When in spirit and soul you have turned your backs upon the Father's kingdom, it is useless in mind and body to stand before this door and knock, saying, `Lord, open to us; we would also be great in the kingdom.' Then will I declare that you are not of my fold. I will not receive you to be among those who have fought the good fight of faith and won the reward of unselfish service in the kingdom on earth. And when you say, `Did we not eat and drink with you, and did you not teach in our streets?' then shall I again declare that you are spiritual strangers; that we were not fellow servants in the Father's ministry of mercy on earth; that I do not know you; and then shall the Judge of all the earth say to you: `Depart from us, all you who have taken delight in the works of iniquity.'

"But fear not; every one who sincerely desires to find eternal life by entrance into the kingdom of God shall certainly find such everlasting salvation. But you who refuse this salvation will some day see the prophets of the seed of Abraham sit down with the believers of the gentile nations in this glorified kingdom to partake of the bread of life and to refresh themselves with the water thereof. And they who shall thus take the kingdom in spiritual power and by the persistent assaults of living faith will come from the north and the south and from the east and the west. And, behold, many who are first will be last, and those who are last will many times be first." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (166:3.3)

The Publican and the Pharisee

On the way to Judea Jesus was followed by a company of almost fifty of his friends and enemies. At their noon lunchtime, on Wednesday, he talked to his apostles and this group of followers on the "Terms of Salvation," and at the end of this lesson told the parable of the Pharisee and the publican (a tax collector). Said Jesus: "You see, then, that the Father gives salvation to the children of men, and this salvation is a free gift to all who have the faith to receive sonship in the divine family. There is nothing man can do to earn this salvation. Works of self-righteousness cannot buy the favor of God, and much praying in public will not atone for lack of living faith in the heart. Men you may deceive by your outward service, but God looks into your souls. What I am telling you is well illustrated by two men who went into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a publican.

The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself: `O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unlearned, unjust, adulterers, or even like this publican. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.' But the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift his eyes to heaven but smote his breast, saying, `God be merciful to me a sinner.' I tell you that the publican went home with God's approval rather than the Pharisee, for every one who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself shall be exalted." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (167:5.1)

Three Parables of Jesus Illustrating The Father's Salvation

On Thursday afternoon Jesus talked to the multitude about the "Grace of Salvation." In the course of this sermon he retold the story of the lost sheep and the lost coin and then added his favorite parable of the prodigal son. Said Jesus:

 The Good Shepherd by William Dyce" You have been admonished by the prophets from Samuel to John that you should seek for God — search for truth. Always have they said, `Seek the Lord while he may be found.' And all such teaching should be taken to heart. But I have come to show you that, while you are seeking to find God, God is likewise seeking to find you. Many times have I told you the story of the good shepherd who left the ninety and nine sheep in the fold while he went forth searching for the one that was lost, and how, when he had found the straying sheep, he laid it over his shoulder and tenderly carried it back to the fold. And when the lost sheep had been restored to the fold, you remember that the good shepherd called in his friends and bade them rejoice with him over the finding of the sheep that had been lost. Again I say there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over the ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance. The fact that souls are lost only increases the interest of the heavenly Father. I have come to this world to do my Father's bidding, and it has truly been said of the Son of Man that he is a friend of publicans and sinners.

"You have been taught that divine acceptance comes after your repentance and as a result of all your works of sacrifice and penitence, but I assure you that the Father accepts you even before you have repented and sends the Son and his associates to find you and bring you, with rejoicing, back to the fold, the kingdom of sonship and spiritual progress. You are all like sheep which have gone astray, and I have come to seek and to save those who are lost.

"And you should also remember the story of the woman who, having had ten pieces of silver made into a necklace of adornment, lost one piece, and how she lit the lamp and diligently swept the house and kept up the search until she found the lost piece of silver. And as soon as she found the coin that was lost, she called together her friends and neighbors, saying, `Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece that was lost.' So again I say, there is always joy in the presence of the angels of heaven over one sinner who repents and returns to the Father's fold. And I tell you this story to impress upon you that the Father and his Son go forth to search for those who are lost, and in this search we employ all influences capable of rendering assistance in our diligent efforts to find those who are lost, those who stand in need of salvation. And so, while the Son of Man goes out in the wilderness to seek for the sheep gone astray, he also searches for the coin which is lost in the house. The sheep wanders away, unintentionally; the coin is covered by the dust of time and obscured by the accumulation of the things of men.

"And now I would like to tell you the story of a thoughtless son of a well-to-do farmer who deliberately left his father's house and went off into a foreign land, where he fell into much tribulation. You recall that the sheep strayed away without intention, but this youth left his home with premeditation. It was like this:

"A certain man had two sons; one, the younger, was lighthearted and carefree, always seeking for a good time and shirking responsibility, while his older brother was serious, sober, hard-working, and willing to bear responsibility. Now these two brothers did not get along well together; they were always quarreling and bickering. The younger lad was cheerful and vivacious, but indolent and unreliable; the older son was steady and industrious, at the same time self-centered, surly, and conceited. The younger son enjoyed play but shunned work; the older devoted himself to work but seldom played. This association became so disagreeable that the younger son came to his father and said: `Father, give me the third portion of your possessions which would fall to me and allow me to go out into the world to seek my own fortune.' And when the father heard this request, knowing how unhappy the young man was at home and with his older brother, he divided his property, giving the youth his share.

"Within a few weeks the young man gathered together all his funds and set out upon a journey to a far country, and finding nothing profitable to do which was also pleasurable, he soon wasted all his inheritance in riotous living. And when he had spent all, there arose a prolonged famine in that country, and he found himself in want. And so, when he suffered hunger and his distress was great, he found employment with one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into the fields to feed swine. And the young man would fain have filled himself with the husks which the swine ate, but no one would give him anything.

"One day, when he was very hungry, he came to himself and said: `How many hired servants of my father have bread enough and to spare while I perish with hunger, feeding swine off here in a foreign country! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no more worthy to be called your son; only be willing to make me one of your hired servants.' And when the young man had reached this decision, he arose and started out for his father's house.

"Now this father had grieved much for his son; he had missed the cheerful, though thoughtless, lad. This father loved this son and was always on the lookout for his return, so that on the day he approached his home, even while he was yet afar off, the father saw him and, being moved with loving compassion, ran out to meet him, and with affectionate greeting he embraced and kissed him. And after they had thus met, the son looked up into his father's tearful face and said: `Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no more worthy to be called a son' — but the lad did not find opportunity to complete his confession because the overjoyed father said to the servants who had by this time come running up: `Bring quickly his best robe, the one I have saved, and put it on him and put the son's ring on his hand and fetch sandals for his feet.'

"And then, after the happy father had led the footsore and weary lad into the house, he called to his servants: `Bring on the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry, for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' And they all gathered about the father to rejoice with him over the restoration of his son.

"About this time, while they were celebrating, the elder son came in from his day's work in the field, and as he drew near the house, he heard the music and the dancing. And when he came up to the back door, he called out one of the servants and inquired as to the meaning of all this festivity. And then said the servant: `Your long-lost brother has come home, and your father has killed the fatted calf to rejoice over his son's safe return. Come in that you also may greet your brother and receive him back into your father's house.'

"But when the older brother heard this, he was so hurt and angry he would not go into the house. When his father heard of his resentment of the welcome of his younger brother, he went out to entreat him. But the older son would not yield to his father's persuasion. He answered his father, saying: `Here these many years have I served you, never transgressing the least of your commands, and yet you never gave me even a kid that I might make merry with my friends. I have remained here to care for you all these years, and you never made rejoicing over my faithful service, but when this your son returns, having squandered your substance with harlots, you make haste to kill the fatted calf and make merry over him.'

"Since this father truly loved both of his sons, he tried to reason with this older one: `But, my son, you have all the while been with me, and all this which I have is yours. You could have had a kid at any time you had made friends to share your merriment. But it is only proper that you should now join with me in being glad and merry because of your brother's return. Think of it, my son, your brother was lost and is found; he has returned alive to us!'"

This was one of the most touching and effective of all the parables which Jesus ever presented to impress upon his hearers the Father's willingness to receive all who seek entrance into the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus was very partial to telling these three stories at the same time. He presented the story of the lost sheep to show that, when men unintentionally stray away from the path of life, the Father is mindful of such lost ones and goes out, with his Sons, the true shepherds of the flock, to seek the lost sheep. He then would recite the story of the coin lost in the house to illustrate how thorough is the divine searching for all who are confused, confounded, or otherwise spiritually blinded by the material cares and accumulations of life. And then he would launch forth into the telling of this parable of the lost son, the reception of the returning prodigal, to show how complete is the restoration of the lost son into his Father's house and heart. ~ The Urantia Book, (169:1.1)

...when Jesus had finished his earth life, this name of the Father had been so revealed that the Master, who was the Father incarnate, could truly say:

I am the bread of life.

I am the light of the world.

I am the desire of all ages.

I am the open door to eternal salvation. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (182:1.10)



Jesus said: "You cannot buy salvation; you cannot earn righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, and righteousness is the natural fruit of the spirit-born life of sonship in the kingdom. You are not to be saved because you live a righteous life; rather is it that you live a righteous life because you have already been saved, have recognized sonship as the gift of God and service in the kingdom as the supreme delight of life on earth. When men believe this gospel, which is a revelation of the goodness of God, they will be led to voluntary repentance of all known sin. Realization of sonship is incompatible with the desire to sin. Kingdom believers hunger for righteousness and thirst for divine perfection."

159:3.2 Remember that I have said: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man will open, I will come in.” It is easy to get saved all you have to do is ask the Spirit of Truth to come into your heart. Open the door to your heart and let the Spirit of Truth in. Just say the prayer on the next page.


    To anyone that reads this page, these prayers are the secret prayers to God for Salvation from Satan's world and Hell.  Satan wants these prayers never to be heard of or seen. So don't tell Satan we put the secret prayers here.

To become Saved. Read below.

Prayer of Salvation


God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that God is real, and I make Jesus lord of my life right now, and I repent of all disobedience and turn from it. God I have been disobedient against your teachings that you taught so many years ago. I open the door of my heart and let you in. Jesus you are lord of my life and I will only serve you. I have been disobedient and perverted that which you taught and it profited me not. Lord I give myself completely to you. I need your power to live for you. Fill me with over flowing with your Holy Spirit. I receive your fullness right now. I will be and I will do what you want me to do from here on. My will is now is that your will be done. In the name of the creator father, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Minister John Ruland III

Call for more information—812-657-5583 Home   (HEADING) (The Changers Church Books)   To send money or donate to the Church.


Religion in Law

I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy

 The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.

 Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.

Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions

Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police?


 Books in this Series

Book 1= Our Earthly Experience and what our Parents did not Teach us. What Life Is All About

Book 2= Our Earthly Experience and what our Parents did not Teach us. Changing Our Mind

Book 3= Our Earthly Experience and What our Parents did not Teach us. Basic Information

Book 4= Our Earthly Experience and what our Parents did not Teach us. Our Safe Zone

Book 5= Our Earthly Experience and what our Parents did not Teach Us. The Four Worlds We Live In.


"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."

 “Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!” 

If your religion does not change you change your religion.

 Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself we then realize once saved God can now live within us.


    To anyone that reads this page, these prayers are the secret prayers to God for salivation from Satan's world and Hell.  Satan wants these prayers never to be heard of or seen. So don't tell Satan we put the secret prayers here.


To become Saved. Read below.

Prayer of Salivation


God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that God is real, and I make Jesus lord of my life right now, and I repent of all disobedience and turn from it. God I have been disobedient against your teachings that you taught so many years ago. I open the door of my heart and let you in. Jesus you are lord of my life and I will only serve you. I have been disobedient and perverted that which you taught, and it profited me not. Lord I give myself completely to you. I need your power to live for you. Fill me with over flowing with your Holy Spirit. I receive your fullness right now. I will be and I will do what you want me to do from here on. My will is now is that your will be done. In the name of the creator father, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


Minister John Ruland III

Call for more information—812-603-1709 Home   (HEADING) (The Changers Church Books)  To send money.


Religion in Law

I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy.

 The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.

 Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.

Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions. Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police?