Now for the real problem within your life that you are in?

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Now for the real problem within your life that you are in?

There are many things that we have just not learned for even our parents do not understand many things about marriage, friendship, relationship and the many things that we never have learned so when we get out on our own we can deal with all the many things that come up that we have to solve or run away from.

Things that our parents should have taught us but did not for they did not know this so how can anyone teach their children things that they do not understand themselves.

Now for the things that everyone should know!

How to clean a house from top to bottom and keep it that way.

How to keep a check book and or checking account.

How to do laundry.

How to wash dishes.

How to make a bed.

How to make friends and keep them.

How to find a spouse that will be around when you get old. For your looks, money, and even your memory will fade over time and all you both will have left is each other.

When you find someone that you like and then you spend as much time with them as you can and over time you become friends and then you both decide to get married.

There is three steps for a friendship, relationship, and even the bedroom has to be learned.

Step one: Friendship

Step two: relationship

Step three marriage

Many people go from step one to step three and never stop at step two. That is why so many marriages end in divorce for they never have a true relationship with each other.

The main step is step two because that is the one that you really become close friends and start to find out about each other and what you both want out of life. If you do not do this stage then over time you will fight and seem distant from each other.

Once you start a family and have children is not the time to find out that you do not even like each other over time. You should have found this out before you got married and had children.

If you had done step two you would have found out at that time that things between you would have not worked or it could have.

Now let me explain each stage

Step one: when you find someone that you like and start seeing them and spend a lot of time with them and get to know them and it seems like you have a lot in common and it seems you want the same things out of life and play to get married when the time comes.

Step two: Now is the most important step that just about everyone does not do. For they go from step one to step three without doing anything within this stage. This is the stage that you can really find out if you can get along and really want the same things out of life and truly ready to settle down and start a family with each other and grow old together.

This is the time to spend as much time with each other as you can and learn about the many things that each of you want to do with the rest of your life. You have to sit and decuss the many things that you want to do with your life and there is a site on the net that you can find the many question that each one of you should has each other before you get married. Like how many children, what religion, where to live, what to do for work, who will do the house work, who will take care of the lawn, who will take the kids where they need to go when the time comes. When your parents get old who will take care of them? There are just so many questions to ask that it will take about a month to decess all that needs to be talked about and then and only then if you can come to agreement on everything and when things later on that come up you both have to sit and talk about everything that is going on with each other at home and at work. So you both will know what to do when things happen and come up over time.

Even what family you will spend the holidays with. Idea, spend one day with each family, before the holiday and spend the holiday with your own family at home.

When people argue they are trying to be right about what seems to be right to them. For some it is this way or no way. Remember that your spouse is your best friend and will be there for you always so you have to treat them that way. If you ever have problems with the family or at work always sit and talk about it.

For both of you to stay close friends you have to spend time together as much as you can and enjoy each other’s company. You should setup at least three times a week to go out from the home and just sit and talk and eat come place. Get a baby sitter so you can go out and just enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy the time with each other all the time for best friends do things together as much as they can.

So the best thing for you to do is go out and eat three times a week and just spend time together as much as you can for one day you will look back and say? Would I have done it all over again? If you said no way then it is time for a change.

For no matter what we make choices everyday and sometimes we make a choice that we have made many times before and never gave it another thought but it is time to think about what you want to do within your future. For you are the only one that can make that choice within your own life.

The kids will grow up and move out and what you will have left is your spouse and if things just seems to not work out it is time for a change for you for you are the only one that can make that choice. MJR