Family Life

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What are some tips for 28 years old working woman?

That is not really the right question that you should ask for because the real question should be why am I with children and no husband at this point within my life? That is the right question that you should be asking.

It is your moms fault, your grand moms fault, and your great grand moms fault to way back when man and woman first appeared within this world. They were never taught what is was to be a real woman and men were not taught what it was to be a real man. Then to learn about married life and to have children and to raise them to be good men and women so they can raise their children to be good men and women. For we was never taught this and because of this there are many men and women out there that have no clue on why they are single and or divorce before they are even 30.

From the beginning we have been lied to, killed, sacrificed, beat up, run over, and just about everything that can happen to humans we have gone through. History has not been kind to us all because of what Satan did way back when. He took over the earth and lied to us about what was real and who was GOD and everything else that had to do with life here on earth. Then as we go through life no one really knows what the real truth is and why we are here and what we are even here for.

All because Satan did not want us to know the real truth. So over the years and every generation has taught their children what they seem to know what is right but not always the way it should be. As we are growing up our parents seem to not know what really life is all about so how can your parents teach you what they do not know.

Even in our school system now the children are not what the world is really like out there and family life, and even how to keep a house clean, buy food, cook, and all the other things that men and women need to provide a good home for their children and the education for their children to learn so they can become good parents and have good children so they can become good parents too.

Now for the shocking truth of what you should have learned as children that you should have learned from your parents that they never learned.

The parents should have taught their children how to count, and even to read and write and write their name way before they even went to school. This is why they have preschool now is because the parents have not taught their kids even how to count let alone how to even tell what the letters are and or even how to read. So it takes longer for the kids to learn and by the time they get to high school they are just beginning to read and write. The parents are the real children teachers and the school teachers are the ones that will teach them things you just do not have the time to teach them.

Once the children reach 13 this is when they should start to be taught about family life and to learn about babies. How to take care of them, change them, feed them, and all the rest that has to go along with taking care of children.

Most of the time this is easy for just about anyone within the family will have small children that the others can learn from. Like babysitting the little ones.

The when they get to the age of 16 is when they should learn about family life and what they need to know for them to make them good parents and about married life and how to get along with each other and for them to love one another and not to be faithful to each other and all ways tell the truth to each other and help around the house and just enjoy each other’s company throughout their lives.

I call this the three stages of a good relationship with each other so no matter what happens throughout your lives together you can get through the hard times, the weird times, and even family bad times.

The first stage is when you find someone and get to know them and even start to date some. Then over time if it seems like you will over time get married then for stage two:

Stage two: this is when you really have to get to know someone so when things come up you both know how to take care of all many things that will happen over time with family, brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, your mom and dad. Even relatives that sometimes will cause problems between you and even one of both of your families. This is the time to talk about everything that could and even might happen so when things do come up you both will know what to do.

Now if you do not talk about it or even think about talking about it then when it does come up you will want to take care of this way and the other one will want to do this so this is why couples fight is because they both want to be right and do not way to comprise but do it my way or else.

Most of everything that will come up with in any relationship is family and friends and what do you do when things happen? If you had talked about it and come to an understanding on what to do if they did come up then both of you know what to do if it did happen. That is why stage two is so important for both of you to talk about family, and everything that might come up with both your families.

If not much at this stage is talked about and just got married things might not work out  because you both want to be right and do it your way or no way. Now if you had talked about everything and if you could not come to an understanding about one big point within your relationship then you might not have even stayed together and even got marred because of this big point that you both could not compromise on. Then there would have been no wedding and no divorce five years later when that one point keeps coming up and soon it so much of a big deal that it was the cause of the divorce. Now there is kids and other things that has to be taken care of and all because you did not talk about everything before you got married. There are some websites that you can go to and they have some questions that you can ask each other that will come up over time.

Stage three:

After you have talked about everything that you could talk about and still getting along then you will have to find out how many children, where to live, what to do for work, and even what kind of car to drive, and a house, apartment, or even where you want to live. There is just so much to talk about that no one talks about it because they are afraid they will scare the other one off. Better to do it now then later one. If just sitting and talk about all the stuff that needs to be talked about it seems like they do not want to talk about it then you might want to move on for it seems like it will be there way or no way.

Now for the one thing that will make or break a family

The job of a man and the job of a woman within the home.

The mans job is to provide money to buy  the many things that is needed to raise his family and to feed them and all the rest of the things that is needed. If the father can not do this then the mom will have to work part time to help proved extra so the parents can provide the many things that is need to raise the children. The man should help around the house, dishes, wash clothes, take out the trash, take care of the lawn if needed. Fix things around the house.

The womans job is the one that if she does not do it will not be a home and even over time the husband will leave for she is the glue that holds the home together.

She has to take care of the children, the husband, and the house, do the shopping, make sure that the home is clean, the children are clean. If the children do things that is not right you both should talk about what to do with the children when they are bad. So when it comes up you both will know what to do. Put them in the corner, or what I like to do is put them in a chair in the kitchen facing the sink. And then let them sit there with nothing for at least 30 minutes and all you will have to do it is once. Then all you have to say when they do something wrong do you want to go and sit in the kitchen again. They will think about it if they do something wrong from now on they might think twice about doing it.

The woman’s job is the most important one for if she does not do her job then the home will not be a home, nothing will get done. Why I say this is if you let the man take care of the home he can do somethings but with the woman’s expertise she can do a better job than any man can when it comes to taking care of the home. She will see things that the man will never see that is going on within the home. If she does not learn from her mother on how to take care of a home and her children and husband she will be single before she is 30 and or even be married at all.

So for her to learn how to take care of a home she really has to learn from her mother but if she does not then there will be times she will seek advice from other woman but if they do not know then some things just does not get done or not done right. Could lead to them fighting or even a divorce for there is one thing and I will say it again for if the woman does not do her job then the home will not be a home.

Now for both of you to do:

Setup date night 3 times a week just get a baby sitter and go out to each and just talk and enjoy each other’s company. Get away from the house and everyone and just be alone to sit and eat and just talk. So as much as you can together without the kids and just enjoy each other’s company. I say that for when you get old and the children are gone, money is gone, your looks Is gone, and all you will have left is each other. So spend as much time together as you can throughout your lives and enjoy each other every day. Even if it to hide in the closet and just kiss and hold each other.

So remember no matter what once you are friends and then have a relationship and then get married you will both have a good friend, and lover, and someone that you can grow old together. For all men are men and all women are women all have the same thing. They are all male and female. What makes us different is what we want out of life and who we want to spend the rest of our life together.

Do not fight over little things and or even big things sit down and talk about it and then come to agreement on how to take care of it. There will be times both of you will not agree on things that happen but always talk about it first and then work it out. For yelling and calling names is fun sometimes but to hug and share a big kiss is better than to yell at someone you love and or even call them names for no other reason that what happened made you mad and you took it out on them. Always if you are mad at someone take it out on them not on the ones you love.


Then remember one other thing is when you get old and look back and can say I would have done it all over again  or if you could have done it all over again I would have changed things then it is time to change things now why  you still can.