Book 5

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 Our earthly experience and what our parents did not teach us.

Book 5.

By John Ruland III

© Dec, 8 2018


Our earthly experience Book 5

Chapter 1: as children

Chapter 2: as a adult

Chapter 3: as parents


Chapter 1: As Children

As we grow up we tend to play computer games, party with our friends, sleep and eat, and then play more games. As children we like to do those things because we live at home and we do not realize that your parents pay all the bills and provides all the things we need growing up. Once we get old enough, we tend to want more and more of the things of this world and sometimes our parents can not provide those things. So, we then say ok how can I get the things I want. I will go and get a job. But little do we know that we have started the grow up process.

Chapter 2: As adults

Once we inter the work force and make our own money then over time we come to realize that once we are out on our own sometimes we do not have the time to play computer games much. We have to work, sleep, and go do things when we have time off to pay the bills, shopping and then come home and take care of everything we had gotten. Then make dinner as if we live alone we have to do everything within the house.

Once we have come to the conclusion that it is time to put away the game system and start to learn more about the job you have or go back to school to get a better job. But no matter how long you go to school you will never learn how to make money the right way.

I will tell you this right now do not work for money make money work for you.

This means start a company and have people work for you to make you money that you did not work for. They did all the work and you got paid for them working. Then all the money you make put back into the business to grow your business to where you want it to be. Then maintain the company and grow it little by little even though you do not want to get any bigger. Sell all kinds of different stuff that you can make within your own factory. Like wright books, make books, printing company, make and sell products that you make.

Chapter 3: As Parents

Sometimes we have just enough money to pay the bills, and most of everything else in our life. If anything extra is need then we just have to go with out what was needed.

My main point is that as we grow up we go through stages and if we just do not grow out one stage and into another we tend to stay in that stage until something happens that makes us realize that we now have to go to the next stage. From a child to an adult, then a parent. From childhood to being a adult we have to put childish things away like playing games on a game system or even on the phone. Once in awhile is ok but not all day long every day.

Then from an adult to a parent is the transformation from selfishness to giving not only of your self but off all your money too. For once you have a family to take care of there will not be much money to buy toys any longer. That is unless you can make enough money to buy toys. Then you know that life is not fair, children are a hand full, and sometimes dealing with others including family can be a challenge. So think before you do and make money work for you and do not work for money, say it again make money work for you. When you own your own business you will make money even if you are not there. That is making money work for you. Now if you a job and work for someone then you are working for money.