The Way it Will be in Time.

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The way it will be in time.

There is one thing I want you to consider is that no matter what we do if we do not do it GODS way then no matter how much we try it will not work. For within nature man has always been a warrior for it is built in to us for us to hunt and to live off the land and we must kill to survive. If you live in a city where you do not have to hunt any longer the instinct is still there and will fight others because it sees like we have to.

Now within society we can live within the confines of city life for only awhile and then we have to do things differently. For midlife we seem to have to do something different and become someone different to give meaning of life to us.

Now for the next thing is that if the whole world was run like a kingdom with GOD in charge and for GODS laws to become the law of the land then there would be no wars, or famine, and everyone would have a job and earn a  living working for the king. The kind would own everything and then everyone would work for the king and get paid. This will make the money system work for it is going within a big circle. To the king then to the people. No rent or house payment would ever be paid for the kind would own everything and we would just live within the home that was given to us to live in. if the king needed us someplace else all we would have to do is move to another house. One world kingdom would solve all the problem within this world. It just cannot happen overnight but we can start by giving everyone a one world government ID and then they would become part of the kingdom.

Then you ask want about anyone that breaks the law? The king would setup courts within every city like there is now and there should not be after a while things people will be fighting about for everything the king would own and we get to use it. Like we go and sign for and use it when we no longer need it all we have to do is return it and get something else. Or get something else. For nothing will be sold only borrowed. The only thing we will need money for is to buy food and cloths. The car, the home, everything with the home is already there. So when you move all you have to take is your food, and cloths and whatever else you bought.

Crime would stop, stealing would stop because everything you would already have and everyone would have a job. For there would be no homelessness as we know it now. For the old would get their own room within a home and be taken care of and the care takers would get paid, children would be taken in if the parents no longer want them. All they have to do is take them to the hospital and sign papers and then the children would stay at the hospital and get checked out and then placed in a home.

No matter what your job is everyone would get paid for what kind of job they do. For everyone will not need much money to live on. For prices would drop, and everyone would have what they needed and many things that is going on within this world would just be no more.

These are the things that would not be anymore:

Homelessness, jobless, no food, no cloths and clean cloths, or cars, for we would live within walking distance from where we would work. For we would live within the company’s housing that we worked for. Even though the king would own everything there would be small companies and big companies that everyone would work at.

Then every country would be the same. For everyone would get an ID for no matter where you went all you would need is your ID for no matter where you went it would be one KINGDOM.


One world united for with this there would be no use for weapons for there would be no use for them. Melt them all down and make electric three and four wheeled scooters. For that is all that will be needed for anyone around town. If you have to go out of town or it is too far to take your scooter then all you have to do is take the bus. For bus service will be proved within every town no matter how small. For there will be very few cars for there would be no use for them.

You work where you live and call and food will be delivered. School is online and all services will be online. So there would be no use for a car any longer. That is if your job requires one then one will be provided. Once you retire then you become an online teacher. There is just so many jobs that everyone can do no matter how old you are. Only have to have the job that you can place those that can do that job.

Just think of all the things one world kingdom, one world money system, provide transportation and all this would solve.

Then to solve the many problems we have now and all we have to do is start with the children and teach them the new ways of the world for once they grow up in the new world they will not know the old ways. Then and only then we can have a new world KINGDOM is through our children.