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"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."
“Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!”
If your religion does not change you change your religion.
Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself we then realize once saved God can now live within us.
“Love is the desire to do good to others.”
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Religion in Law
Religion in Law
I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy
The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to
oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because
everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.
Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.
Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions
Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police? If that ever did happen who would you hire?
Salvation Prayer
I do not want to share my religion with you
Tell me to ask me one time what was my religion and I told them that I do not want to share my religion with no one.
Then they go why.
I said I don't want you to believe what I believe then you'll be in heaven with me I don't want you to go to heaven with me.
Then they'll go why can't I go to heaven with you. I don't want you to go to heaven with me I don't want you to.
Well then why won't you show me or even tell me how to get there because I don't want you to go with me. I don't want you to go and see all the beautiful things and learn about God and heaven and everything else that is there.
I don't want to tell you about the free gift of God that will get you there.
There you go there's a free gift on how to get there. What is the free gift and how do I get it.
The free gift is receiving the spirit of Truth that will live inside of you for eternity. The spirit of truth will guide you throughout eternity.
It is your choice to accept the spirit of Truth or not. For if you don't it's still okay you will have that choice again when you get to heaven. God gave us consciousness then he give us awareness of consciousness to find out where we are. Then God gave us choice to choose what we do throughout each one of our lives. As time goes by the choices we make does not determine our future only our everyday choices will determine our future.
I still don't want you to go to heaven with me because if you do you'll take my place.
It's like if I go I'll take your place.
If you go you'll take my place.
Now if you want to go it's okay you can take my place but when you get there to make sure you save a place for me okay.
That is if you get there before I do.
All you have to do is accept the free gift and all you have to do is say this.
Prayer for the free gift
God I seek you for the free gift of the spirit of truth that will live within me. I open the door of my heart lord and let you in. Fill me now with the spirit of truth right now. I now will follow you and now I can take my place in heaven when the time comes. in GOD we pray Amen.